This thread has been locked because it has become a conversation between a very small number of users rather than an informative forum for all users. Also, the title is "Kunming taxis" despite the conversation being largely about Anning taxis.
This thread has been locked because it has become a conversation between a very small number of users rather than an informative forum for all users. Also, the title is "Kunming taxis" despite the conversation being largely about Anning taxis.
This thread has been locked. The original query has received legitimate answers but the thread has since strayed off topic. Please remain on topic when posting forums. Thank you.
Please remember that information such as that requested above is often available in GoKunming's "Listings" section:
O'Reilly's page can be found here:
This thread is now locked.
This thread is being locked and subsequent threads will be deleted because this topic has been discussed in a previous thread:
Also, this topic has little or nothing to do with Kunming or Yunnan.
The "Looks Fun" thread was deleted because it was not true. The second of the 2 event links, the Anuna concert at Kunming Theater was listed in the calendar. Unfortunately, there will always be events with little or no promotion that are missed. Gokunming users are always welcome to submit upcoming events through our contact form.
Thank you
No results found.
Three posts have been deleted because they were not reviews. Please remember the Reviews section is not a discussion board.
A review was deleted because the poster maintained eight separate GoKunming accounts, which were used to leave multiple negative reviews for the same business. The user has been banned and his comments removed from the site.
The review section is meant for honest commentary by distinct individuals. If users commenting in the review section do so only to discredit a venue, or if high ratings are clearly self-promotion by a business, the reviews will be deleted and the user banned.
A review was deleted because the poster maintained eight separate GoKunming accounts, which were used to leave multiple negative reviews for the same business. The user has been banned and his comments removed from the site.
The review section is meant for honest commentary by distinct individuals. If users commenting in the review section do so only to discredit a venue, or if high ratings are clearly self-promotion by a business, the reviews will be deleted and the user banned.
Li Ping fundraiser
发布者Comment has been removed at the Moderator's discretion. Please refrain from name-calling and stay on topic.
'Rescue' of 500 dogs sets internet atwitter
发布者The previous post has been deleted at the Moderator's discretion.
Chinese teens murder seven before arrests
发布者Please remain on topic. Any comments deemed unsuitable will be removed.