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Forums > Living in Kunming > Something that's been irking my...no offense to anyone

I have just reviewed the forums to see what Tonyaod could mean by "tacky ads". I accept the ones from Westerns are quite direct, but I had to "read between the lines" for many that came from from local Chinese to decide if they were sex ads or not. Please remember that those Chinese writing in English are nearly all students, and the addtional meanings that Tonyaod, and others, may put to them may be unintended. For example, I contacted a Chinese Language partner ad that I am sure Tonyoad would say was a tacky sex ad. The girl was horrified to discover how her ad. could be interpreted. All she wanted was to practice English in a social context to improve chances in her ILTS exam. Neither her

English/Chinese text books, nor her teachers, had even suggested that there could be double meanings. If the situation was "out-of- control", then I am sure that the Go-Kunming team would block that, as they have on other issues. They even give reasons, unlike the Great Wall. As for Westerns, a lot in Kunming do not have English as their first language, so please make allowence there too. I know that when I translate perfectly ordinary English into Hanzi, I have raised a lot of smilles with Chinese friends, as I have written something that has a totally different meaning locally. For example, my text book stressed that I should call a waitress "Xiao Jie" and I did for a very long time, until a chinese friend explained what that means in Kunming. Like my chinese language parnter, I, too, was horrified. Maybe some allowences need to be made before judgement is made.

Forums > Food & Drink > Lemon Grass

You can get Lemon grass by the hand full (8 to 10 kuai) at the large local vegitable market by Jian She Lu (by the railway track). MUCH better than the few sticks at Metro. However, you need to get the the market early (around 8 am) as the restaurant buyers are there. Try to find the herb selling lady inside the covered area, by the fresh fish sellers. Hope you find it.

Forums > Living in Kunming > need help in building a website

Hi erer88, we can help you. As professionals, we have helped others build websites that they wanted in both China and in the UK. If you would like to discuss your website, just send an email to chris@candm.org.uk, and we can go from there. Barekarma

Forums > Living in Kunming > Where to buy foam for mattress

There is a very small shop at the Er-yi-er Da/Lonquan Lu road junction, between bus stops xiao cai yuan li jiao qiao and xiao cai yuan 小菜园立交桥 -- 小菜园 bus route 10 (and others). Get off at the highway junction 小菜园立交桥, and walk over the single railway track in the direction of Carafoure Supermarket, on the same side of the road as Carafoure. It is in the row of small shops under the flyover. They have lots of different thicknesses of foam, and they have single and double bed size. They don't speak English, but like most shopkeepers, they don't like to turn away a sale! If you ask, they will roll up the mattress and tie it, so it fits into a taxi. Hope my directions help you find the place. Happy sleeping.


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