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Forums > Living in Kunming > Access internet using a 3G USB air card(ie: dongle or modem).

China Unicom uses UMTS 2100 if I am not mistaken. What I know for sure is that they use the HSDPA (among others) standard so if your modem can handle it you can get up to 7.2 Mbit/s download speeds (of course in practice it will be a bit slower). Where I live I am able to get between 3 and 4 Mbit/s download speeds, which is quite fast in China. Plus if you use a VPN you can increase download speeds as well (since it bypasses the you-know-what). There was talk of China Unicom upgrading to HSPA+ but not sure if this has happened yet (if it does speeds will reach 42 Mbit/s).

Basically for internet only access there are no contracts. It is a pre-paid system. I walked-in, handed over 500 RMB and was given a SIM card. Prices are like this:

60 RMB = 1GB downloads in whole of China + 1GB in Yunnan (so you get a total of 2GB). Then there are more expensive packages, but I can't remember the prices of all of them. I know the most expensive is 300 RMB and you get 10 GB of downloads. If you go over your allowance of 2GB for 60 RMB they automatically upgrade you to a higher priced package, so no need to pay for extra usage by the megabyte (which I think is a brilliant idea).

The above are not monthly charges...when money runs out you go back to the shop with your SIM card and recharge the money.

The only post-paid system is when you purchase a 3G SIM card that you will use for internet and phone calls (on your mobile). But the data allowance is lower and monthly costs are higher, so better opt for the simple pre-paid option.

Finally each time you disconnect, China Unicom sends you a message letting you know your data usage (so you can calculate exactly how much money you have left on your card).

Forums > Living in Kunming > Access internet using a 3G USB air card(ie: dongle or modem).

Looking at the configuration, you have a modem that will work only on the China Unicom network. Which is a blessing since their service is much cheaper than the other companies. Walk into any China Unicom shop and buy a prepaid 3G card (specify you will be using it only for internet access, this part is important, if not they will try to sell you a 3G card for a phone which includes minutes as well as internet access). After that slip the card into your modem and you're good to go.

Been using one myself at home and very satisfied with the service, connection is very quick considering its 3G.


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Been going to the Lost Garden for a while and never walked away disappointed with the food. They make the best pizza in Kunming and possibly all of China. Good sandwiches as well. Can't really say anything negative about the place, except that the kitchen is closed on Mondays.

Go there for the food and the atmosphere...and if you are travelling in China, I hear the rooms are quite comfortable as well. Plus, as probably the only establishment in Kunming, they actually have good English speaking service...imagine that!


People who whine about this place being far away have to realize one fact: not everyone lives close to Wenlin Jie. Yeah, I know, hard to fathom, but that is the truth. As someone who resides in the north of Kunming, I find this a very welcome addition to my neighborhood.

Overpriced? Really? Where else are you going to get a half a pint of amazing beer for about 15 RMB (BTW: it's on tap, not in bottles). Oh, and the burgers, where else in Kunming are you going to eat an amazing burger for 40 RMB? So, yeah, if you think this place is expensive you don't know what good eating and good drinking means.

Anyway, enough of the rant. Amazing place, amazing burgers and amazing beer. Only bad thing: service, takes a while for them to make it up to the second floor, even when the place is empty.

Excellent food and beer...5 stars. Well done!


Great little place. Don't know about those other comments, but we didn't experience bad service when we visited.

Had a very nice pizza, freshly squeezed orange juice and took home a few loaves of freshly baked bread. So far this has been my best dining experience in Kunming and will be coming back for more. Food is simple yet delicious and made from excellent ingredients. Well worth a try.