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Forums > Living in Kunming > Advice on Keeping E-Scooter safe

When I bought my ebike I got a good U-lock to go with it. I also purchased a disk brake lock for over 100 RMB and it works like a charm. But that is only an option if you have an ebike with a front disk brake system. As an aside: I would suggest you get a better ebike with a disk brake system...stopping power is tremendous and you need it in Kunming traffic.

In terms of safety I always park it in ebike parking spaces with an attendant present. Yeah, it costs money, better to pay an RMB or two, but be safe. At home, in my apartment complex, I have a dedicated ebike underground parking area with power where I can charge the ebike overnight. I pay by the month and it costs me 60 RMB for unlimited charging. Excellent deal I think.

Recently got stopped going home late at night by the police. They asked me for a copy of my passport and the purchase receipt / registration card for the ebike. Since I don't have plates, they didn't ask me for the official government ebike registration. They looked at the copies of the paperwork and decided that everything was in order. No problems. Asked them about proper registration and they cops said that the government still is not processing new registrations. So they said only need to carry a passport, purchase receipt and the registration card you get when you purchase the ebike.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Suspect fraud employer


Thanks for the advice. Obviously before we put any school on a black or white list we do our research...and we will be doing that with this school as well (plus others in Kunming and the rest of China). I have a dedicated team in Hong Kong who do the research based on our own investigation and also opinions of teachers who worked there.

I've been in the education sector in China for over a decade and I am tired of seeing "schools" mistreat their foreign teachers. And it looks like the person who posted above actually worked there...and the review of the place is not favorable.

Thanks again for your input.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Suspect fraud employer


I am the owner of a teacher training company here in Kunming (I'll leave it up to you to figure out which one). We will be publishing a white / black list of schools in the next few weeks and providing this information to our graduates.

People are desperate? Where? In Kunming? I know teachers who name their price and never work below their own set standard, but as anywhere you have those with High School diplomas, no formal training and little experience who will work for a pittance. Those who are educated, qualified and experienced teach for a lot more money...and never need to worry about finding work.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Suspect fraud employer

Looks like a scam for sure...and it is a scam run by a fellow teacher targeting...you guess it...other teachers. I would never set foot in such a place, let alone invest any time teaching there. Who knows if he will actually pay you at the end of the month?

As for the website... CompuServe in the late 1990's looked better than what he came up with. A website is the first impression many get when looking at a potential employer...if I were him I would be ashamed to put that URL within the job advert.

I am most certainly going to put this school, and Scott Tate himself, on our blacklist and warn teachers not to work there.


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Been going to the Lost Garden for a while and never walked away disappointed with the food. They make the best pizza in Kunming and possibly all of China. Good sandwiches as well. Can't really say anything negative about the place, except that the kitchen is closed on Mondays.

Go there for the food and the atmosphere...and if you are travelling in China, I hear the rooms are quite comfortable as well. Plus, as probably the only establishment in Kunming, they actually have good English speaking service...imagine that!


People who whine about this place being far away have to realize one fact: not everyone lives close to Wenlin Jie. Yeah, I know, hard to fathom, but that is the truth. As someone who resides in the north of Kunming, I find this a very welcome addition to my neighborhood.

Overpriced? Really? Where else are you going to get a half a pint of amazing beer for about 15 RMB (BTW: it's on tap, not in bottles). Oh, and the burgers, where else in Kunming are you going to eat an amazing burger for 40 RMB? So, yeah, if you think this place is expensive you don't know what good eating and good drinking means.

Anyway, enough of the rant. Amazing place, amazing burgers and amazing beer. Only bad thing: service, takes a while for them to make it up to the second floor, even when the place is empty.

Excellent food and beer...5 stars. Well done!


Great little place. Don't know about those other comments, but we didn't experience bad service when we visited.

Had a very nice pizza, freshly squeezed orange juice and took home a few loaves of freshly baked bread. So far this has been my best dining experience in Kunming and will be coming back for more. Food is simple yet delicious and made from excellent ingredients. Well worth a try.