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Forums > Living in Kunming > Where can i buy windows 7

Go to the shopping street on the north side of Yunnan U — the one with the Yuantong cinema. The video shop at the far end used to sell software. I bought my copy of English Windows XP there a couple years ago.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Chenggong district?

#170 starts at Juhuacun, next to the herb market, where Renmin meets the 2d ring road (approximately). #5 connects the Xiao Ximen area with Juhuacun. In the recent past, there was a small bus station at Xiao Ximen serving neighboring towns, including Chenggong, but I don't know the present situation.

It's hard to believe there are no buses between the South Long Distance Station/ New Luosiwan, and the new University area. No minibuses? Motorcycle taxis?

Forums > Living in Kunming > Chenggong district?

I'm not sure what you consider the city center, but according to my New Kunming Travel Guide, bus #103 leaves from the North Train Station for New Luosiwan, while #154 leaves from Yong Pin Lu (Kun Ming Zhan) for New Luosiwan. New Luosiwan is the new south long distance bus station, in Chenggong.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Kunming bus routes?

You can get 1 kuai pamphlets at the north city bus station with all the bus and train info you need. I bought mine from a shoe-shine man. You do need to read a bit of Chinese. Probably these things can be found at the East station, etc.


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If lots more people raise coffee, the price sure to drop. In much of the world, coffee is not profitable for this reason.

I suppose farmers can still plant food crops between the coffee trees. Maybe alternating rows of coffee and tea plants would avoid too much boom and bust.

Has anyone tried cacao in Banna?

"Is the living they are trying to make as honest as the people who pay rent ... ?"

Yes. There ought to be more small shi chang and night markets, not less.

"When you are done, pack your shit and head back to the US of A ssholes....."

Pretty much what I think of the anti-vendor, everyone-must-have-a-license-to-breathe sorts.



The beer is good. The food, OK, if you're dying for something Western. Food service is better in the daytime, mamahuhu in the night time.

I haven't stayed in their guesthouse, but I'll guess it's noisy in the night times.


Prague Cafe in Bei Chen Walking Street is Prague III.

There are other branches in Wen Lin Jie and in Lijiang.

I've been a long time customer of the Wen Lin branch.

Both Kunming branches are pleasant places to meet and chat with friends.

The food may not be the cheapest, but the cheapest would be from the street vendors.

I meet and drink coffee with friends at the Wen Lin PC several times weekly, especially since the Yun Joy Cafe is no more.


I've been drinking Beer Lao and coffee here, off and on for some years.

It's always a pleasant place to relax. The food is good as well. Close to cheap hotels and bike rental on Manting Lu, too.