The blood that I am giving tomorrow will not be for my father in law.they just want to get blood before they give blood
The blood that I am giving tomorrow will not be for my father in law.they just want to get blood before they give blood
Hello I am Joost. My father in law needs an operation tomorrow. And because there is a shortage of blood in Kunming.The hospital ask us to give blood.In other words if the family doesn't donate blood,than there will be no operation.So I will go there tomorrow to donate blood so my father in law can have an operation.Hereby I want to ask every laowai that has no problem with it to donate blood and help the Kunming communitie
I am a rebel and a rebel is alone
Yep electricity,water,doors and windows are there
It depends on where you buy.i live in the south and across the street you can buy houses totally decorated with fake flowers an all.our appartement on quan fu Lu will be finished next year and it will be a concrete shell
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Interview: A farewell chat with Joost Meester
发布者Thanks everybody for the nice comments and thanks to Hugh and Gokunming. It's going to be an emotional weekend and thanks to everybody that spend some time in moondog in the last 5 years
John Nevada Lundemo to release album Rocket Chair
发布者Great article john. But I have to say that it will not be the last show off the new digs that night