'Where have you been - under a rock?'
If only you'd crawl back under yours, gokunming would be a better place.
'Where have you been - under a rock?'
If only you'd crawl back under yours, gokunming would be a better place.
There is an 11 Vs 11 match this Sunday at Shi Fan Da Xue on Yi Er Yi Da Jie. 4 o'clock kick off, all welcome.
William's mobile: 15925137349
The OP posts a warning about a thief who may be operating in cafe's in an area many of us regularly frequent, and gets the usual snide remarks from the usual suspects. Have you guys nothing better to do?
Whilst the day bus may be quicker, it can also be brutal, i've done it coming the opposite way and it's not that much quicker; the roads were bad, and the the buses are poor (little space and over-crowded).
I personally prefer the night bus because you can at least stretch your legs (this journey can be anywhere from 10 - 13 hours), have a bit more personal space, and if you're lucky, get some sleep. Getting through the border is relatively hassle free, just walk across and then take a cab to the station. You can even walk it if you're travelling lightly.
The train from Lao Cai is likely to be less hassle free. You will be arriving in Vietnam just a few days before Tet festival and travelling at this time can be stressful. Many migrants workers from China will be doing the same journey along with locals from Lao Cai, meaning that you might not be able to get a ticket to Hanoi, which means either taking a bus (hellish) or buying a ticket from a tout at the station for at least double the price of the original. It's worth getting a soft seat for this journey if can, despite how much you think you're being taken for a ride (see what i did there?) with the ticket price, the hard seats and the carriages where they are located are grim, and this is a long journey.
Get used to people over-charging you the minute you set foot in Vietnam, from changing money, to taxi's, and even little things like bread, snacks etc, they will try to squeeze every last penny from you. This is the only down-side to Vietnam in my experience but try to remember also that generally the over-charging is usually for little amounts. Just accept that as a non-native, you're going to be paying more than the locals for most things, accept it now, and haggle with a smile where you can. Vietnam is a beautiful country with beautiful people, you will have a great time if you don't get too hung up on being over-charged for a few Dong here and there. Have a great time and don't forget to say 'Chuc Mung Nam Moi!' to the locals.
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Very cool place, obviously well thought out and well designed. Nice not to have to stand in the street to get a little respite like most other bars/clubs in Kunming. I actually like electronic music so no complaints there, but since they have two rooms it would seem like a waste not to use both of them for different genres of music. Bit of indie, hip hop etc downstairs, and electronic upstairs maybe. Would be perfect.
Agree with the previous review. It's 20 kuai for a pretty good pizza. You're already getting a bargain, and if you're that hard up that you don't want to pay an extra 10 kuai or so for a drink, there's a mixian place just a two minute walk up the street.
'We do not have a notice in the cafe forbidding customers from bringing in drinks from outside. We think this is a common courtesy'.
Absolutely. Unfortunately there are many people in Kunming who lack basic manners.
Great Britain in Kunming schedule of events
发布者Ha. Had the exact same thought, cloud. How very British of them. What a joke.
Photos of flash flooding in Yunnan's capital
发布者Incredible pictures, Hugh. Cheers!
20 years in Yunnan with Jim Goodman
发布者'I am sure if you posted your picture online you would not put a picture of you in your underwear, or naked or dressed in drag'
Has it ever occurred to you that he likes to dress in drag? That maybe that's how he wants to dress and express himself? Some posters here exhibiting some serious predjudice.
'You never mocked the appearance of this person you just asked a very obvious question'
Seriously? Nothing at all obvious about the question. The one obvious thing is that Jim is a man. His name is Jim FFS. He is referred to as a man in the article, and clearly looks like a man in the picture, so yes, to ask the question 'Dude or lady?' is obviously mocking his appearance. If you can't see that, then, well, you're blind.
20 years in Yunnan with Jim Goodman
发布者'The funny thing about morality judgements'
This isn't about 'morality judgements', it's quite simple really; it's about making offensive comments about someone's appearance on a public forum and having those comments rightly criticized.
You wonder if bjtokm would say the same thing to Mr Goodmans face, and of course, the answer is a resounding 'no'. The anonymity provided by internet blogs means that some people get away with making childish, offensive comments like the one above. It's just sad really.
Perhaps bjtokm could post a picture of himself/herself and expose his own appearance for the public to comment on. Somehow i doubt that will happen. I wonder why?
20 years in Yunnan with Jim Goodman
发布者Incredible that someone can read such an interesting interview and get such a rare and unique perspective on Asia and Yunnan, and can only respond with 'Dude or lady?'