thanks for the advice guys! i think i may just buy a ticket for it (no customer service reps are saying a 'yes' to guitar carry-ons). i'm moving there so i've got a lot of my guitar is a custom martin (yeah i'm no django..was given to me as heirloom type gift from my thought was why have it just sitting in a closet at my moms house..but now regretting it). i was given specific instructions not to check it..i assume les pauls and other electrics are much more durable and can withstand the temperature extremes a lot better. i'm afraid the temperatures under the cabin will warp the precision craftsmanship. plus i don't have the lock for the case..extra worry. was thinking non-air mail because of the temperature extremes. well, if you guys have any other pieces of advice, i'd appreciate it!
Exploring central Yunnan's Xinping County
发布者Another great article Mr. Hartzell! I've got a couple of questions and perhaps you (or others) can answer:
1.) What are the names of these 'national forests' with old growth forests? I've been to Mopan Mountain National Forest Park (磨盘山国家森林公园), but I did not see any old growth. Perhaps I didn't look hard enough (pun intended!).
If anyone has extra links/info about old growth forrests/parks in Yunnan, please enlighten. It's been a little difficult for me to locate them outside of Deqin/Nujiang.
2.) Where is the exact origin of the Red River and what are the most popular 'local' variations of its name? Is it 'West River' NNW of Weishan (what I thought but others have questioned)?
Thanks for any info!
Homebrewed beer just outside of Kunming
发布者I made the trip up there last month—glad I found a cool road back from the area or would've considered the trip a bust.
The beer was definitely not the highlight of that trip. After riding all that way, I was expecting to sit down to a decent beer and lamb barbeque—didn't get either. Apparently, the only thing they had (that day) was hot pot, and anyone who rides knows questionable oily soup and a bumpy road don't mix. So, out of a meal.
Beer it is! We received a cold glass of what could be mistaken as a mud milkshake (only 'black beer' that day too). Not sure what process the guy is using, but yeast was churned up throughout the beer (his CO2 must have not been tuned correctly because it took him a while to get a decent pint poured).
The taste was OK considering all the yeast that was in it, but it did give my stomach a little rumble as I rode off (maybe it was my empty stomach but beer yeast can give diarrhea). Good thing the meal we finally were able to have at another nongjiale quieted it down.
Overall, very glad someone is brewing beer..BUT, in typical Yunnan fashion, sanitation of the brewing area was questionable at best and the place had this weird "maybe this is more than just a majang nongjiale with young girls" vibe if you catch my drift.
Perhaps going there on a Monday afternoon is not the best time to go, but don't think I'll be joining their beer of the month club any time soon.
Sorry for the long post, but did not have the same great experience there as others have had. And, I don't want to discourage anyone either—was just one experience but maybe can give more balanced expectations. Maybe you'll have a good meal/beer...
Getting Away: Heart 2 Heart Youth Hostel
发布者And another good article Matt!
Getting Away: Heart 2 Heart Youth Hostel
发布者Why don't you mention more about it, changkt? We don't have to wait for GoK to give us all our info on Yunnan, do we?
Obituary: Wu Zhengyi, the father of Chinese botany
发布者Sounds like a pretty interesting life!
On similar topic, anyone have any suggestions for finding 'non-professional' information (books, websites, etc.) in English on flora and fauna in Yunnan?
Any suggestions appreciated!