Taught simple English to kids 6-8 years old. About 40 kids in a class. They paid 30RMB for a class and I was paid 250RMB. Taught the same material for 8 class a day (sat and Sun). The school got about 19,000 per weekend and I got 8,000. And, yes I did get paid all of it. In Changping near Beijing.
Taught at a private school in Beijing, Students paid 80,000 a year plus living, plus food, plus books, plus, plus. Subject teachers, not English teachers, were paid 10,000 a month, foreign and Chinese both for 12 hours max. Most taught 8 hours for Math, Chemistry, Physics, Accounting, Statistics, etc. all A level courses with UK books. Silly owners fired the headmaster who took 80% of the students to his own new school. This school folded I think.
Private schools usually get the tuition and boarding fees upfront. They tend to run out of money toward the end of the year which makes return air ticket money iffy.
Breakeven depends on rent and the number of non teaching staff, you know the guys that hang around all day reading newspapers and plying cards. One private school I worked at had 65 Chinese and foreign teachers with over 200 total staff most of which did little or nothing.
Rent is a mystery. One school paid annual rent of 25% of tuition collected - this school folded. Other schools had cost reduction programs, firing teachers or abusive fines. Fines for failing to report to a class when the time and day had been changed but kept a secret from the teachers. Class schedules and notices are sometimes posted in Chinese in areas the foreign teachers don't frequent.
I don't usually teach English and usually get to pick the text with the requirement the text be less than 3 years old.
Private schools hire foreign teachers for marketing reasons. My face has appeared all over the place and my resume greatly enhanced (in Chinese).
If foreign teachers get paid more at a private school, tough, the smiling white faces bring in the revenue and job opportunities for Chinese teachers.
I have also worked at two government universities. At both schools, Chinese professors taught less hours and earned more money. I gather the Chinese get a basic salary, around 1200 at my uni, then get paid for hours times a factor (prep or difficulty) and also extra money for extra assignments. One Prof said his 1200 was upped to more than 4500 based on the pay scheme. Me? I get 3700 for 9 class hours contact time but that is 11 paid hours if I was paid according to the Chinese scheme.
Kunming's etymological vapor trail
发布者This is interesting stuff. Thanks.
I have a free Kindle book, "Across China on foot" by Edwin Dingle, 1911. He spends a lot of time walking around Yunnan. He writes of being in the Yunnan Province capital of "Yun-Nan Fu" (云南府 ??). Not once does he use "Kunming".
Prior to the Mongols capturing what they named Kunming, it was known as Tuodong.
Note: You can download Kindle for PC or Mac, it is free. There are thousands of free books and several on China. It is fascinating to read 100 year old comments on China, Chinese, and China culture which are unchanged from feudal times until today.
Around Town: Xihua Wetlands Park
发布者Thanks ludwig. Your posts have been accurate and useful. Appreciate them greatly.
Around Town: Xihua Wetlands Park
发布者On Google Maps you can find it here: 西华湿地公园, 昆明
On the map t looks about 8Km south of XiShan's Dragon's Gate, or 10Km south of Hu Bin Lu, 湖滨路,(connecting XiShan to the Dianchi area/Minorities Village Museum.)
Also on the map found a #33 bus stop about a kilometer south of road leading to the park. But I have no idea how to get on the #33 bus going south.
Rising food prices driving inflation across Yunnan
发布者I agree, inflation is a lot high than 6.something. Not just meat has gone up.
I have noticed a lot of "inflation by deflation." By this I mean the price stays the same or slightly increases but the package content shrinks. At times, the package states the same weight but the formerly tight packaging is now loose.
Getting less for your money is inflation.
First-hand account: Setting up a guesthouse in Xishuangbanna
发布者Heard that the project isn't going to happen. Kinda sad, I think this crew could have made it happen.