Dear all, I have a question for the community. Yesterday I wiped my phone to the factory settings because it was unbearably slow. But it is now booting in a Samsung - Google environment which seems to be blocked over here.That means I'm stuck in an endless loop of "Checking network connection... This can take up to 2 minutes..." I guess the only way around this is a WIFI signal that has a VPN activated over it. Does anyone around here know of a place where I could go and connect quickly to get through this initial stages of setting up the phone and equipping it with a VPN? Thanks in advance!
China considering plan to make Xinjiang desert a new California
发布者I can't imagine they are actually going ahead with these abhorrent plans...
Getting Away: Descent into a giant Guizhou sinkhole
发布者Very cool pictures! Thanks Dan!
Dali Bar begins free community e-waste recycling program
发布者Good work, Dan!
Lijiang vendors strike, protesting old town entry fee
发布者Sounds like that was a nice day to visit Dayan...
Yunnan reveals extensive four-year aviation plan
发布者Hahaha, 50 airports! Maybe because they have to build every airport twice because they tend to build them in the wrong places first.
By the time they finish their plans all the effort will be in vain because teleporting will have been invented.