Do you live in Kunming and have a beamer/projector? We need your help...
I work in an art house cinema in the Netherlands where I program educational film. My wife is from rural Dongchuan and next month we are planning to go to the village to spend CNY with the family. We are aware of the fact that nowadays Chinese kids spend hours and hours on the phone during the holidays, especially when the parents are feasting. What I want to do is to set up a proper cinema for the kids for 1 or 2 nights so that they have quality entertainment with nice films that are suitable for them. I've already arranged everything with the film distributors, so I can fill up a really interesting film program. But because we don't live in Kunming nowadays we have to reach out to the community to borrow a beamer and a screen so we can take this to the village and set everything up. Is there anyone willing to support our project in this way? I think it could really make a difference for these kids 😊
Chasing the Tea Horse Road in Pu'er
发布者Yes, I know it does. The digging always goes on. It's interesting you mention those libraries in Thailand and Nepal.
Chasing the Tea Horse Road in Pu'er
发布者Thanks everyone for the invaluable input to this interesting discussion. I might have gotten a little heated up with this singular story you hear so often, the "Great Wall of China" story and the "Tea Horse Road" story, which definitely glances way over the complexities that make it interesting in the first place. @peter thanks for sharing with us that vivid image of the Khampa ruffians traveling afar in the good old days. I'm sure that makes for some fantastic stories! I'm sure I'll have to dive into that a little more. Do you recommend any specifically engaging sources on their exploits?
According to a friend, Nakeli was completely destroyed by a large earthquake and has been rebuilt as a 'tea road theme park'. I don't know the sources for this, but I know I can trust the friend who told me.
@Mike, please let me apologize for accusing you of doing "too little research", that was not fair for I can also see that the article was only meant as an introduction. Like I said, I usually get an automatic allergic reaction when I think stories lack the complexities they deserve, and that is more to blame to the mainstream tourist industry that is abound everywhere then to you in your quality as a travel writer. Again, no offence and thanks for your article. I didn't go into the trouble to write it myself.
Chasing the Tea Horse Road in Pu'er
发布者What always bothers me is the impression about "The Tea Horse Road" of "men making the entire journey in one go" like stated in this article. That is indeed the thing that is told at the official Tea Horse Road theme parks (like Nakeli) all over the province. But if you only do only a little more research, you find that there were indeed multiple routes with multiple wares. Not moving statically like a group of men in one go from point to point, but much more functioning as a network, stretching far over current national borders into Southeast Asia. Then winding through Yunnan from one "bazi" to another with different pack animals and different ways to pack them. Who in their right minds would think that a pack animal from southern Yunnan would be fit to cross 5000+ meters passes up in Tibet? Those places involved other people, animals, different wares, and a completely different style. It's an interesting given indeed that stuff from Southeast Asia indeed ended up in Tibet, but to imagine it was a single group of people delivering it there from point to point, that's far out. It was much more dynamic and diverse than this story of "the" Tea Horse Road that is marketed everywhere for the sake of appeasing tourists. Thanks for the article, but if you're interested in this piece of history, it wouldn't hurt to do a little more research.
Getting Away: Hampi, India
发布者@Peter99 I'd be very excited to hear that story about when King Gesar came to fight the Dali King. Do you know where I'd be able to find it?
China International Travel Mart set to open in Kunming
发布者Yes, I'd really like to have this info as well...