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Forums > Living in Kunming > Chinese people don't act like civilized humans..

I was actually quite surprised and shocked to initially see all these agreeing comments to this shallow outing from "Gaoxing" popping up.

Thank you Grasshopper and even more Livo1 to bring some sense into this thread.

Livo1, I was contemplating to write a similar comment, but you said it all: thanks again! Saves me some time :-)

This shallowness I mentioned is clearly a result of a dramatic impotence to integrate into Chinese society in any way, and at the same time not showing any effort to get into "the reasons why". Objectivity is so crucial, but o-so scarce

Forums > Living in Kunming > Zhang Zulin and Qiu He


I'm a little confused about the structure of leadership in Kunming. I recently mixed up Zhang Zulin and Qiu He. Although I knew that Qiu He is the mayor, I recently found that Zhang Zulin also helds that position.

And somebody told me mr. Qiu He is Christian, is that true? Sounds strange for a cadre of this caliber... His children supposedly go to an International Christian school...

Thanks for sharing any information about this!

Forums > Living in Kunming > mountain bikes

Thanks! I checked out the shop yesterday. They are able to fix me decent bike (well, consisting of all the cheapest parts but new and my size and upgradeable) for 3500 kuai. I'm gonna keep shopping around a bit, though. Proper second hand parts are supposedly hard to come by here in Kunming for a tall guy like me (1m93)...

Forums > Living in Kunming > mountain bikes

Hi everybody,

Recently I set my mind on purchasing a mountain bike. My problem is that I hear from different sources that good quality mountain bikes are sold in Kunming, but for astronomically high prices. I'm more looking for reasonable quality, not top-end, and price around 2000/3000 kuai...

Is there anybody who can recommend a certain shop or bike brand?



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It would indeed be nice if there was some control over unsustainable conduct by large tourism corporations and overall bad behavior in the industry, but these guys will mostly be there to enforce/protect the government stakes in these corporations. So, if there are changes for the better, it would have more to do with a mentality shift of the general public instead of these fancy tourism robocops.

Chilling to see that people who first create a drought by disrespecting fragile ecosystems, even strengthen their contempt for the natural world to come up with this callous plan. It's utterly depressing to see such an interesting piece of the world to be at the hands of such shallow and delusional lunatics. Big chance they are going to strand with this insane plan, but the whole notion of them actually coming up with this instead of only starting to acknowledge the root of the problem deprives me of any remaining hope. It is an indeed an exciting time, a time of nightmares.

Wow, yes, that is just awesome! So inspiring to see the masterminds behind Wanda come up with such an out-of-the-box approach! While the rest of the country is caught up trying to make as much easy and dirty money as possible to indulge in vulgar entertainment, they go out of their way and turn the tide with this true revolution! Can't wait for the fragile ecology and endangered traditional cultures of Xishuangbanna to take this all in. Straight up the ass, Wanda style! Beautiful...



This place is without doubt my favorite restaurant in Kunming. It is truly Simao-style, but adds its own unique touch. The ingredients vary per week and the ingredients are all carefully sourced in specific markets or brought straight from the mountains. Their wild vegetables are always sweeter than other places in Kunming. There are plaques on the wall that say: "we don't feel the need to enhance the flavor with weijing or jijing, we do our best to source the best natural foods for you". You will not see any grease after finishing the plate, not even with the deep fried dishes. They are very flexible with ordering combinations and the super-friendly owner-chef will be happy to step out of the kitchen and give you some great advice. If he has time, because this place is crowded on most evenings. Service is friendly and attentive (but it is still Kunming). You get free home-made kimchi and apple vinegar with all meals. They have cold Fenghuaxueyue beer. Without doubt a safe Chinese eatery, really delicious food, friendly people who are passionate about their product. A true gem, in my opinion.


I heard Richland Hospital has proper testing material.

I think the medical staff is of the same level as other Kunming healthcare facilities. I needed to translate some specifics of a medical report I got in another specialized hospital. I wanted to do this by letting the Richland doctor have a phone call with the specialized doctor that had done the tests. I came in and there sat a young physician with a translating nurse. When the phone call to the other hospital wasn't successful he wanted to have look at the report himself. I asked if that would make sense if he wasn't a doctor that was specialized in that specific field. He told me he wanted to have a look anyway. To my horror, he promptly misdiagnosed me with a truly appalling disease. When I came home I was puzzled. I didn't have any symptoms, how could I have something that serious. I checked the internet and found out that the condition that he described DIDN'T EVEN EXIST. Well, I have to give him, he had me stressing out there for a minute. I wanted to confront him with his mistake but apparently all the doctors had taken the weekend off. Eventually, in combination with my visit to the other state run facility, I was in constant uncertainty and stress over the period of 4 days for something that turned to be NOTHING. I had NOTHING.

Please use the highest level of common sense in dealing with local healthcare. The situation is grim. Best to let them test (if the facilities are ok) and make conclusions and decisions by yourself, if serious ask a physician in another country. Never blindly trust anything they say.


Really friendly people, very tasty proper Indian food, all made with fresh ingredients and very reasonably priced.

For sure the best Indian food in town!