Forums > Living in Kunming > "The Celebration" tonight at Nordica Just saw that this movie is showing tonight at TCG. It is one of my favourite movies and I can warmly recommend it if you have never heard about it. I even watched it as a play in London's West End a few years back,, the plot still works out really well on the stage. Anyway,, go check it out if you have the time,, it's worth it.
Forums > Food & Drink > CARGO CLUB That's the spirit,, although drinking by yourself is the first step towards becoming a raging alcoholic. I'll help you down it,,, that's me,, all altruistic 'n' stuff :-)
Forums > Living in Kunming > Yunnan Running Bulls,, CBA where? Found their game on p2psports. 99-99 with 30 secs to go and they pulled a 106-99 win. Pretty exciting,, I miss watching live sports :-(
Forums > Living in Kunming > Yunnan Running Bulls,, CBA where? I am looking for info on "our" team in the CBA. I'd like to go and see them play some time even though they are hopelessly last in the division. My Chinese isn't good enough to read the Chinese websites so if anyone got info on where they play their home games and when it would be great.
Forums > Food & Drink > What's your favourite Chinese dish? Food is always a great topic and I'd love to get some suggestions for dishes I haven't tried yet,, and let's face it: most of us foreigners have tried only a fraction of the insane amount of dishes from the Chinese kitchen(s).
Submit your top 3. Here are mine (excuse my lousy hanzi/pinyin)
1. Gong Bao Ji Ding, 宫爆鸡丁. Sorry,, no way around a top spot for this laowai all time favourite :)
2. Hong Shao Rou, 紅燒肉. When cooked right hui fan this is just heaven. Sadly it often contains a truckload of fat.
3. Ji Dan Huo Tiu Cao Fan. I am lost here on the spelling. Egg friend rice with ham and green peppers. This is just so darn good.
Top 3 only so no room for Hui Guo Rou, Yang Rou Chuar, Xihong shi chao Ji dan, Ma Po Doufu or,, or,,, or,,
Yunnan dam projects halted by environmental ministry
发布者Great that the government at least is trying to put some weight against raging capitalism when it potentially can devastate the ecology and environment in 3 provinces. Doubt it is more than a short intermission on the other hand.
First case of H1N1 in Yunnan reported in Kunming
发布者Better stock up on smokes, canned goods and drinks before going home then. I wonder if they let Lazy Bones into a quarantined building.
Twin expos generate $2 billion, record international involvement
发布者Doesn't that girl look familiar? Anyone?
Twin expos generate $2 billion, record international involvement
发布者Is baldy trying to kowtow to the Harmonious Society or is he just attempting to score the hot chick? At least he is getting a sympathy smile.
'Virgin prostitutes' case puts heat on Kunming police
发布者That'll teach 'em. Girls that age shouldn't be doing stuff like that. They need to study hard and play duo mao mao in their spare time.