Forums > Living in Kunming > DVD shops closed? Got a parking ticket a month ago. Caught up to the guy who issued it and asked him where the sign was saying parking was illegal. He took me back to my car and showed me the bottom of a sing post of which the top was completely covered with branches and foliage. When asked to show me the actual sign (it could have been anything really) he walked around the post a few times but was unable to spot it through the greens. I asked him to suspend the ticket due to improper marking but he refused and told me it wasn't his job to trim the trees -big surprise there. At this point some 10-15 bemused locals had gathered around, trying their best to spot the sign but clearly unaware of which rules and regulations had something to say about the matter. In the end the rent-a-cop just walked off instructing me to go pay within 24 hours. I told him to go catch some thieves, took a video of the scene and still hasn't been to the traffic police headquarters.
Forums > Food & Drink > Wasteful Business Lunches Magnifico: I can't speak for the Americans but in northern Europe, at my home we rarely wasted food. Food was prepared for the number of people there and leftovers were served the next day. At my little friends' homes it was the same thing. Also, if you didn't finish your plate you'd get a stern look from mother and maybe a scolding. Apart from that, when you go out to dinner in Scandinavia you are out several thousand usually, so no, we generally don't overindulge.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Changing money in Kunming Remember that Chinese ATM card pins have six digits. Now, I'm going to sound incredibly dumb because it took me 2 years before I found out that since most western cards use 4 digits you need to press 0 0 first. I won't take full responsibility though since I went to two places (both outside of Kunming) where the tellers and clerks had no idea.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Chenggong to house 2.3 million university students?!?! It was always a hare brained idea IMO. Universities and their students are sources of life in city centres. Bars, clubs, entertainment venues, shopping and restaurants all benefit from a population of college students being around. Thing is, many of them don't have much money in China so if they're not living amongst regular people you risk a Chenggong without many shops, restaurants and the likes, hence it becomes a boring, near-empty, lifeless area where no one wants to go or live. I kind of hope the provincial government has a plan or 10 ready apart from just building and moving, because it's not going to be enough.
Forums > Travel Yunnan > Ruili Visa Run Can't offer anything definitive but, no I don't think so. Currently the Chinese-Burmese border is effectively closed for foreigners and visas to Burma is only issued in Kunming at the consulate. There's still sporadic fighting going on on the other side and rebels have blown the bridge at another border crossing further to the north. Ruili does have a special area on the other side of the river where you're technically in no man's land -for instance, you can buy tax free there without showing papers- but when I was there last time 2 months ago the actual border check point was out of limits and the guards told me firmly to turn my car around and even with a visa I couldn't leave China there.
Can't really help you any further. Hopefully one of the 5-10 'white' foreigners in Ruili can chime in on this.
Wenshan officials accused of running illegal logging ring
发布者Good on CCTV. Here I thought they were mainly a mouthpiece.
Chinese bishop, excommunicated by Vatican, ordains new priests
发布者Authoritarian ideology vs. authoritarian religion. Not sure who to root for.
Coke accused of collecting classified information in China
发布者Geogramatt,, Is no problem, no problem. You deserve present for honest. Please tell real name address and I come give you OK foreign friend?
Lijiang blaze destroys old town businesses
发布者Sounds like a job well done containing it but I do wonder why the fire marshal and the relevant authorities haven't addressed the narrow streets issue previously. There are plenty different types of light/narrow fire engines specifically built for allowing access to such places, and the cost compared to losing Lijiang's old town in the worst case scenario (and the loss of tourist revenue) is negligible. Sadly, in China it is tradition that things have to get really, really bad before they get better.
Official suspended after epic Kunming airport tantrum
发布者",,so I sincerely apologize (after my company suspended me, threatened to fire me and ordered me to apologize). I am willing to compensate."
A stiff apology is a second insult.