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Forums > Living in Kunming > How bad is rain in Kunming?

There is no such thing as bad weather, just wrong clothes. At least my mother always used to say that and but I still don't belive her. The good thing is that you can grab an umbrella from any random girl in the street,, they only use them in sunshine.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Possibility of H1N1 (SWINE / PIG) FLU in Kunming...

A Swedish guy wrote: "I should know. I used to bury people... anyone in need of my services?"

I was wondering how the Swedish mafia was doing these days with the increased competition from the Russians and the other gangs. What exactly do you guys do? I assume it involves smuggling fish and IKEA furniture as well as trafficking Swedes out of the country for a better life. Was it you who burried Palme? Come on you can spill the beans here,, It'll stay between you and me.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Possibility of H1N1 (SWINE / PIG) FLU in Kunming...

There is very little chance of stopping this thing anyway so it's probably going to infect hundreds of million of people all over the world and especially in China where people live so close and personal space is non existant. The good thing is that the strain seems not to be as lethal as predicted. Now where can I fend a doctor who I can bribe to prescribe me some Tamiflu,,


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Thought it sounded strange as well. A quick google later told me that coffee trees don't grow well at altitudes higher than 3500-4000 feet and they don't particularly like extended periods of frost so clearly the coffee isn't grown near Zhongdian. It wasn't clear from the article but the coffee they sell probably comes from Southern Yunnan.

Bucko. I seem to remember that you've bought real estate around these parts recently. How did it work out? Did you have any doubts as to the possibility of a ruptured bubble? My girlfriend wants us to buy a place but I see a lot of the prerequisites present for a rupture over the next 1-5 years although the "Chinese characteristics" might play enough to keep it away for now. Did you find it daunting to buy a place blind that wont be ready for quite a while? Did you meet any obstacles as a foreigner that a native Chinese wouldn't? Aren't you the least bit worried that in 15-20 years some developer will have you kicked out for peanuts and the promise of a new apartment (and 2-3 years of waiting for it) in the larger building he is proposing? I know I am since "rights" as I know them don't mean the same thing here.

The delusional frenzy isn't going away until people realize that demand just doesn't meet supply these days. Unfortunately the government has been pounding the Chinese with propaganda about buying and owning property for so long that very few even want to consider that there might be a problem or 10. I have a major issue with the fact that you can't actually own the land that your property is situated on and frankly I doubt that leasing land from the government and the fact that you don't seem to have any legal options in cases of disputes (ie massive corrupt real estate developers) is something you can build a solid real estate market on in the long run. Something's gotta give.

Get back to work Jesus. Them dead aint gonna resurrect themselves ya know, and while you're at it: How's that "feeding the poor" thing coming along? With those Multiplying Fish skills and scrolls of Water-into-wine it really shouldn't be much of a problem. Did you just take a 2 millennia break you slacker?!



Went there yesterday and it totally made my week. Nice decor and friendly staff and a real salad bar. Sadly we both wanted mexican food so I can't really say much about their other courses. The food was great but just a tad spicier would have improved the dish. The best thing was that we almost had the place to ourselves and we could have a quiet conversation without shouting, spitting Chinese people in the background. I realised how much I had missed that since coming here.


We went to Chicago Coffee a couple of days ago and it was a nice experience. The place is cozy with soft comfy chairs (I realized how much I have missed one since coming here) and they have a nice little collection of English language books in the corner consisting mainly of classics and travel litterature. I was looking forward to trying their advertized tortilla bar but it wasn't up and running that evening.

Instead we went for 2 12 inch pizzas -roast chicken and pepperoni- but we quickly realized that 1 would have been enough. Those things are heavy. I am mainly into Italian style pizza but Chicago's double layered pizzas are well worth a try. Their coffee seems to be a bit on the expensive side but people say good things about it and they have got a nice selection. I wouldn't mind dropping by again some day,, hopefully when they've got the tortilla thing going. English speaking staff btw.