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Forums > Living in Kunming > Certifying documents for Australia

yes you can got to the govt office on Remin lu the street behind carrafour store in the city centre... head down towards the mcdonalds that 24 hours opp to parkinsons store and there is a high rise building opp and if u email me i can send the the address and floor number... they can certify certificates and other papers... cheers jas

Forums > Living in Kunming > Shipping of boxes to Australia

Could anyone assist in helping me find a comany in Kunming that does shipping of many boxes containing clothing and other household items back to Australia. I have about 14 to 16 computer sized boxes containing clothing, linen, kitchen wear and other personal items and I am planning on return home to Sydney Australia around early next year. I have lived in China for now over 7 yrs and really want to have these things sent home as have many memories and other personal affects.
So if anyone knows please could you email me at australia3@hotmail.com thanks Jason

Forums > Living in Kunming > Gay Life in Kunming

hey Gay White Man - gwm - you didnt leave email address or nothing and so i am not sure how people could contact you - good luck cheers

Forums > Living in Kunming > Gay Life in Kunming

hey guys i went to the mens sauna and to be honest it's a dump and no condoms in sight - sadly it's not a real safe sex type of place - you pay 25 rmb and for what i am not sure as the sauna didn't work and there are only 2 floors of beds -- no condoms just beds.. well good luck cheers

Forums > Living in Kunming > Gay Life in Kunming

hey could any of you guys tell me about mens sauna's in Kunming- I live near Reming Lu and Beijing lu.... next to the river and so if you know of any that are close email me at australia3@hotmail.com thanks


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Hey everyone Mikes Family ask you to attend a good bye or farwell to mike at 10 am at Yunnan 3rd hospital on Beijing Lu Road Sunday 23rd August 2009.
To mikes friends to come and see him off before the cremation. Best wishes the Dawson Family

