Forums > Living in Kunming > No More Plastic Bags! Fair enough, Bucko. Do you know if the shop keeps the money or does it go to some environmental fund? The multinationals (Carrefour, MacDs etc) must be delighted at the extra unearned revenue otherwise? I just wonder if a some recycling system similar to that for plastic bottles wouldn't be more efficient, and would end up with poorer people getting the extra cash?? Too late now, I guess!
Forums > Living in Kunming > Does a Stitch in Time Really Save Nine? Outrageous! We should start a campaign to "Save 9" immediately. How else will the Germans refuse anything?
Forums > Living in Kunming > No More Plastic Bags! Well, it didn't "fail"... I paid, they got their money. I'm not "afraid" of small change, it was just a pain for them to give and for me to receive (esp when I had looked out the exact money to make it easy for all). I just think there must be a more efficient way. What does "toolish" mean??
Forums > Living in Kunming > Dental work? More details about this "Stomology" hospital are in a previous dental thread, inc contact details for their top dentist.
Can Kunming become a real international city?
发布者I think the public transport works reasonably well here. I got annoyed today about having to wait a whole half an hour for a bus, until I remembered that's par for the course back in Britain. And to only pay 1-2RMB compared to £1-£2 (10-20RMB) in the UK... woohoo!
When I speak to locals here they seem very keen indeed to visit foriegn countries, even if they can't speak any English. Every year a larger and larger percentage of my students seem to be taking holidays abroad with their families. (Fifteen years ago none of my 150 students had ever been abroad. Not one.)
Flying Tigers memorial opening tomorrow
发布者Did anyone go to the Opening? What's the exhibition like? Any good?
City may eliminate cigarette sales near schools
发布者On the contrary, I think a token gesture is exactly what it is. But every little counts. At least they recognise the problem.
Much better would be for the police to wander around restaurants and enforce the existing law... or would that upset the status quo a bit too much?
Around Town: Kunming Natural History Museum of Zoology
发布者...well my comments were a year ago. I see the original article was considerably longer ago!
Around Town: Kunming Natural History Museum of Zoology
发布者There was a blink-and-you'll-miss-it refernce about a year ago...[...]