Forums > Living in Kunming > No More Plastic Bags! Fair enough, Bucko. Do you know if the shop keeps the money or does it go to some environmental fund? The multinationals (Carrefour, MacDs etc) must be delighted at the extra unearned revenue otherwise? I just wonder if a some recycling system similar to that for plastic bottles wouldn't be more efficient, and would end up with poorer people getting the extra cash?? Too late now, I guess!
Forums > Living in Kunming > Does a Stitch in Time Really Save Nine? Outrageous! We should start a campaign to "Save 9" immediately. How else will the Germans refuse anything?
Forums > Living in Kunming > No More Plastic Bags! Well, it didn't "fail"... I paid, they got their money. I'm not "afraid" of small change, it was just a pain for them to give and for me to receive (esp when I had looked out the exact money to make it easy for all). I just think there must be a more efficient way. What does "toolish" mean??
Forums > Living in Kunming > Dental work? More details about this "Stomology" hospital are in a previous dental thread, inc contact details for their top dentist.
How To: Getting a Chinese driver's license in Kunming
发布者Could we have a similar article sometime on getting a motorcycle license since most e-bikes users will have to get this license over the next few years or give up their bikes.
How To: Getting a Chinese driver's license in Kunming
发布者My tip, for what it's worth - if you have no clue as to the answer of one of the multiple choice questions, pick the longest one. I found it was correct nearly every time.
Celebrating Chinese Dragon Boat Festival
发布者True, but as so many minority festivals are (rightly) celebrated in Yunnan, it's a pity that Dragon Boat Festival doesn't garner much enthusiasm. Although there were some half-hearted attempts in the Horticultural Exposition Park this morning.
Celebrating Chinese Dragon Boat Festival
发布者Bit sad that no one in Kunming can put on any sort of cultural boat-related activities despite lakes and rivers and minorities.
It's official: Yunnan facing serious drought
发布者My phone was also predicting lots of rain. It's changed its mind now though!