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Forums > Living in Kunming > Moving to KM from the US; cell phone questions

Can I purchase a local cell phone that is like the equivalent of an American "Blackberry" or "Palm Pilot"?
I really like the features of my blackberry phone/organizer such as its calendar/organizer, internet, GPS, etc…
Or should I purchase one stateside before I come. (I am told that if it is "unlocked' then it might work)

Please help! Thanks!

Forums > Living in Kunming > Birthing in Kunming?

Thanks so much for the response! How much was it to stay in chang mia for a month? How much was the birth? Please leave your email address, my wife would really like to email you!

Forums > Living in Kunming > Birthing in Kunming?

My wife and I are moving to Km soon, she is due 3 months later, we have not received any positive reports about birthing in Kunming. Are there any good or comfortable hospitals or birth centers? Do they Speak English? Also, we would prefer to birth in Chiang mai but are told that my wife cant fly while very pregnant (the air pressure is dangerous, some flights will refuse her) So, how do foreign women birth in kunming and how do women from KM birth in Thailand?!

Please help!....any opinion is helpful ;)


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