Hello Smillz,I used calling card before.It is very convenient,you could use your own phone.
At first,you call a number,and the number would tell you hang up.So it is no charge for this call.
Then the number will call you back,and tell you choose the language you want,and dail the number you want. For example,I want to give a call to USA,so I dail 001+757+123-3456.
This is the way to call.
There are many types of the calls,like 30RMB,50RMB.
0.15 Yuan per minutes to call North American and Erope as I remember.
And much cheapper to call Asia countries.This is the best way I have seen so far.
You do not need to pay every month,the card could use for several months.
If you need the card you could e-mail me:)
PS: I am not cheater
1) things which light but precious such as stones,crystals would be good choice.Because the shipping fee is really expensive,it won't worth to ship cheap stuff.Also you could ship some DIY stuff.I think warm stuff is perfect for Xmas:)
for example,last year,I sent things like flute(minority flute),scarf(hand knitting),candis(speicial candy made in china) to USA,my friends are really enjoyed it.Also crystal in 石头记(SHI TOU JI) is pretty.but when you buy stuff like that,please keep the receipt and keep it inside the box when you ship it.
you may also look up on the internet,which stuff could not ship.Something may not get through the Customs.so this is really imimportant before you buy gifts.
2) Find some good suppliers on the internet who could help ship the goods.There are a lot of stuffs you could choose.And it would cost less.because suppliers they have their own people to ship the goods,which is much safer and cheaper.
sourse: I shipped gifts abroad before by myself and I am doing international business now:) If you need any help,feel free to contact me.
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