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Forums > Travel Yunnan > Best way to do Fuxian Lake?


Go to the South bus terminal (you can take the C71 bus from Kunming Train Station). You can take a bus from the South Bus Station to Chengjiang. From Chengjiang bus terminal you can take a city bus (the #2) directly to the lake. There are some places to sleep on the lake, but I'm not sure about the prices. Food seems pretty cheap here and the people are proud of their fish dishes. You can swim in the lake, rent a paddle boat, and hang around. Its a nice setting for anything relaxing. Have fun!


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Just checked out the Crystal Palace today! Got there on foot from the Yanglin Bus Station. It is about a 1.5 hour walk, but I was able to stop at the Yanglin Feijiu Factory located about halfway there. Couldn't tour the factory, but there is a factory store that has the goods. Couldn't resist picking up a few bottles of the green fairy.

Also, I only paid 20RMB to see the temple and the caves. I asked the woman, and apparently I was the only visitor they had that day (this was about 4pm, too).

Also, there are a LOT of bats in that cave! Very beautiful though and an easy day trip from Kunming. I left my house at 1130am and was back at 7pm. Yanglin is interesting, too. Quite dusty, but instead of taxis they have horse drawn carts. Pretty neat!

Yeah, this is one of the most disappointing articles I've read on GoKunming. It is a real shame...

One has to argue the demand for such dams. In the article about all of Yunnan being "plugged in", apparently we're exporting 200 million megawatts to Guangdong alone?

