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Forums > Living in Kunming > What's going on with Lazy Bones?

I apologize for the inconvenience. Lazy Bones is taking a break for the month of July and will reopen in August with a new menu. Thank you all for using the service over the past 6 months and we look forward to delivering food to you next month.

Lazy Bones

Forums > Living in Kunming > Lazy Bones Restaurant Is Closed

Thank you all for the memories. Because of a problem with my business partner I regretfully have to shut down the restaurant. The delivery service will reopen under new management in the near future. Sorry for the inconvenience. I thought there was a chance that we could re-open but it isn't possible. It was fun while it lasted.

Thanks Again

Elliott Shay


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Salvador's has always been an oasis of proper management and good food in Kunming. They have a substantial menu so not everything is perfect. The variety allows you to not get bored. The mediterranean wrap, pasta, tomato cheese melt especially with pesto are great and it's the best price for cocktails in China. BillDan glad you are back slagging restaurants and that you know wraps just like you knew mexican food you hadn't eaten. He is correct that the bun on the hamburger can be hit and miss. All together a solid place in a land of mediocrity.


Went with 5 people to compare Indian restaurants. The lamb roganjosh was interesting while the chicken tikka and the yellow dahl were both well done. But the chicken khorma, mutter mushroom, the black bean dahl and spicy chicken mushroom soup were all bland and not worth finishing. Plus the tea came at the end of the meal. Substituting hotness for complexity of flavor does not a good restaurant make. Would rather go down the street to eat Indian.