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Forums > Travel Yunnan > No Visa for Vietnam??

For Scandinavians (from the Vietnam embassy website in Stockholm):
Citizens of Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway will be exempted from entry visa to Vietnam if:

- The intended period of stay is up to 15 days;
- The travelers hold valid passports of the above countries, with validity of at least 3 months from the intended date of entry into Vietnam;
- The traveler possesses, and could present upon request, a valid outbound ticket from Vietnam within 15 days of the arriving date;
- The traveler has not been banned from entering Vietnam.

As for UK passport-holders: I looked at the Vietnamese Embassy page in UK. You need a visa.
Curiously... for some reason it seems necessary for them to point out the following in the list as to visa-application:
"Abusive language and behaviour towards the Embassy's staff will not be tolerated and will affect the applications of the persons concerned." It seems there are some hot-headed Brits around, frequently enough for the embassy to need to point this out. :D
The info on what you need, can be found on the VN embassy page for UK:

But notice... the legalities may be different when applying for the visa from China, even though you are UK citizen. But this gives you the grit of what you need.

Hope it helps.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Do I actually have to go to another country to be re-stamped back in?

Now this is the most interesting question I have come across in a long time... it poses many interesting quandaries... bureaucracy, laws (and interpretation thereof), geopolitical quandaries...
"Does one need to enter another country to have counted as exiting the first country?" I would guess not... if you have an exit stamp, you should - logically - just be able to turn around and go back in...

But maybe there needs to be a country of departure to be able to get a valid entry... meaning that you can't depart from China to enter China...? But I don't know. It could end up in an infinite-loop problem. :D
BUT I also wonder how the border guys would react? I mean we are talking about psychological confusion because of the bureaucratic rules being bent in ways never before seen by them. OR maybe they don't care! Or maybe this happens 40 times a day! I don't have a clue.

But why can't you take the extra 100m walk into VietNam? Visa problem for entering VietNam? I don't know how it works between VietNam and China, but I know that in Europe and many other areas, the border guys will not allow you to exit the country unless you have a valid entry permission to the country-of-destination (which logically in your posed case is VietNam)... But perhaps China is different... I really honestly don't have a clue.

Maybe you should bring some cash to grease the wheels, just in case?... I don't know... Just a thought. You dont want to be stranded there in nomansland.

The only thing you can do to find out the answer to your question, is to try it... and please let us know the outcome! I am really interested in this question!
OR you could phone the border-officials and ask. In which ever way you do... let us know!

Forums > Living in Kunming > Must bring to Kunming - 8 month stay

As laotou stated: think of the electric current. All electrics you have, you can pick up cheaply in KM.

Things you can get in KM, but need to think about:
KM is very high altitude = very thin air = very strong sun = you need sunscreen and good polarising eyeglasses.

Happy travel!

Forums > Living in Kunming > Vibrator/sex toys

onomatopoeiaaah: sorry but it seems a bit prude... and strange that you take time to attack a happy owner of a cute vibrator. I didnt think there where any-at-all inappropriate details in the rapport lustyducky wrote. That you took the time to read it, seems to show some perverted interest, since you are obviously offended by the subject...

The thread title states clearly what the subject is about. If you are offended by such things, just dont read. Its that simple! And I dont see why you would take the time to comment: Either skip the thread or be happy for her.

Lustyducky... I think your rapport was enlightening, informative and plain happy sharing. I hope you have great enjoyment from your knew toy. I just hope its not "Chinese quality" and breaks down in the middle of a session for you. Have fun! :)
If all els fails, sit on the spin-dryer. :D

Forums > Travel Yunnan > accomodation

For a day or two, Id strongly recommend The Hump.
It is as central as you can get (literally... you just CANT get more central than The Hump) and the staff are all very kind and helpful.


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Buck, thank you for the concern and the info.
I was trying to be witty. But I am glad you care enough to raise the issue anyhow. :)

As Moutai is made of sorghum, I guess it can contain levels of hydrogen cyanide and nitrates depending on what kind of sorghum used and at what stage its harvested. But who knows what els they add... thinking of that manufacturers of milk powder can add melamine cyanurate to fake protein levels, people making counterfeit booze (or even the real thing) could add God knows what.

An alternative is to brand it "almost" the real thing, and sell it cheap. Same as they take Apple and brand it Aepple or aPad instead of iPad.
That way, they can make some money, stay out of jail, and let us know that we buy "almost" the real thing at less price. So why not sell "Hernessy", "Martill cognacs", "Johny Wakler" and "Aboslut Vodka" (or why not "Almost Vodka")?
As long as its cheap, tastes ok, gets me drunk and doesnt make me blind, Im happy.
The one thing I have had a hard time getting acclimatized to, is the flavor of the hard liquor in China. Sure, I can get plastered for 10Y on traditional Chinese vodka, but it tastes really bad to my palate. Sorry, but the local liquor tastes like badly perfumed industrial cleaning liquid. But hey, its cheap and can be bought at any small kiosk late at night when I cant sleep. :)

First time in KM, I heard him sitting a block down from the Children's Hospital. I have some wonderful photos of him, and last time there I was hoping to find him to give him a print out.

Maybe his repertoire isnt my favorite of the Erhu-classics, but it was really nice listening to him regardless. A handsome man (very photogenic), friendly and a joy to hear him play un-amplified. I just can't stand those who take an erhu and shove through a cheap small portable combo-amp with lots of distortion, even if they do play my favorite erhu-classics.



Dear Sam_KM,

I am very impressed by your response to ben-g. Your openness and attitude gives me a very good feeling towards you and your café.

I usually never go to cafés, and I am sadly not in KM now. But next time I come (soon, I hope) I will absolutely visit Dune Cafe and I will also recommend in advance my Chinese friends in KM to visit your café.

Best of luck!