how he can prove there's $24M in his account.
and if he really needs to transfer the money so badly he should pay the $2000 himself.
let me explain.
a guy with a diamond company and $24M usd savings.
should have $2000 in his pockets rite.or he sells diamonds.
simply take a diamond he's wearing and sold it off then he got $2000.
other than modeling ?.
bcos i'm a foreigner but i'm chinese.
i barely knows how to write in chinese.
but i can write n speaks in english.
what's the job i can get here ?
go to then to will direct u to signing in.
i dont think its blocked, it may be some technical problem inside hotmail itself.
I went to internet cafe and i can enter by typing
but when i was back to my hotel,i cant open it with the hotel network
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