Actually, being married to a Chinese national, will still require you to renew the visa every six months. But that's better than 30 days. Not that I recomend it.
It seems, to me, a bit odd that your Kunming company is registered in Beijing. The intense bureaucratic red tape from the officials at the Business Registration place will not be an easy route. Perhaps the Beijing registration is a national registration, that I'm unfamiliar with. That's China, as they say!
I'm sure someone else will provide a good answer - good luck.
I can't add to this story, but reading the phrase by TheSwedishGuy, "Kinda wonder who is behind these bombings by now ..." causes me to repeat a question: Is anyone surprised?
Access to print and Internet media information with PRC sources and published outside the PRC indicates to me that there is huge unrest in the countryside (even in Hong Kong, to a slightly lesser extent). Of course, the Olympics is making protestors more courageous, but they'll still be there post-olympics.
There are Tibetans, Mongolians, farmers who have had their land stolen (to say confisgate, simply legitimises it), etc., in Kunming. Please don't be surprised.
Export license not required for used personal goods. I'm assured that you simply need the Bill of Lading which they will e-mail to you once it has been authorised in Guangdong.
Air-Sea Transport Inc. can pack for you or will supply anything needed to help you pack yourself. My shipment is now on the train to Guangdong and they did a good job of the packing.
Ground transportation costs are a concern because (I think) that they don't have close contacts with offices throughout the world and, thus, prefer that you take responsibility for that. I don't know how big your shipment is but 'thousands' of dollars for the land transport sounds high to me.
Bonded warehousing and transport. In my case, although Vancouver is the Port of Entry, bonded transport is used to my city of Toronto where their bonded warehouse permits checking by Customs -- most cities throughout the world have bonded warehouses. It'll take ages for your shipment to be checked in L.A., which is why I believe that it'll go to Raleigh (or nearest) Customs.
My payment is for shipment to Toronto -- this is my prefered method as I don't have a delivery address right now.
Unfortunately, I'm unable to explain Class iii, but I'm unlikely to swim in it. I should welcome an explanation of how wonderful is a visibility of 2.27 m (an improvement of 29 cm). Relate these minute measurements to the unreliable government statistics that often appear and I remain pessimistic, but I congratulate any improvement ... no matter how small.
@Bob: Have you any idea what the plans may be. I hope that it's more than planning to have another meeting. Experts in global warming (and that is the reason) will suggest that immediate, severe, actions must be taken, for example, double the cost of water.
This simply not a 'fluctuation' - it'll be worse next year.
Records show that snow fall in the Himalayas and the Artic (for example) is no longer replenishing glacier melt - this has been the case for more than a decade ... and continues.
Many teachers, both Chinese and foreign, who are aware of this report will make it a subject of comment today. Of course, the greatest contributing factor for these results is financial which results in an energy spiral strengthened by the attraction of foreign experts and, thus, the best students. Therefore, in a way, it goes without saying that the Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Chongqing universities will lead the pack.
Having spent my extended China teaching time equally in Chengdu and Kunming, I am aware of some contributing factors that Liu Shaohuai ignores. Obviously, as a diligent political member of the Party, it is unlikely that his education has concentrated on much more than propaganda and, thus, some very good teachers at Yunnan University (known to me personally) who are not active Party members are given little attention.
I remember meeting a Chinese senior English-language teacher who had been introduced, proudly, with a Ph.D. Upon enquiry, I learnt that her dissertation was about Ethnic Tourism. Is there a link between ethnic groups and language? Yes, but will this knowledge improve the teaching of language in Yunnan? Very little, in my opinion. There is also the memory of my first introduction to a Kunming university - My guide proudly telling me that 90% of the university's teachers had a bachelor degree. Seeking more information, I learnt that of the remaining 9% comprised those with masters and doctorates, but 1% (approximately) only had a college diploma. I understand that this is no longer the case.
Yet, by comparison, I know of an elderly foreign tenured-professor from a top U.S. university, with two doctorates, who visits Kunming for six months every year - he teaches privately during his visit and has never been approached to assist with the university assessments that Mr. Liu seems to advocate.
Finally, I should be interested to know why there is a 60 years-old age cut-off for useful foreign experts ... perhaps related but a whole new subject.
Hello Dima; Many will welcome your arrival as the new manager. I hope that you will provide the cook with some assistance during peak hours. Some will be unhappy with the three-week closure, but you might tell them to visit Dan Di Cafe for a similar menu, if only temporarily.
Hey 'bucko', you must be fair, this restaurant is better than any place on Wen Lin Jie which you rated higher. Expensive? Try Green Lake Hotel. Small portions? Try Mazagran. It's all relative.
Although this is one of my favourite restaurants in Kunming, I find it necessary to warn the management that having a fourth floor extension has taken things one step too far (actually, about 70 steps!).
In my opinion, by extending the business, both the hard working kitchen and waiting staff are unable to maintain the original food quality and level of service.
A recent visit presented us with a luke warm fruit/mutton curry that comprised many pieces of fat and gristle, and a half tandoori chicken that had two legs (?) and not much else -- this dish would satisfy three people last year.
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Yangzonghai Lake water quality upgraded
发布者Unfortunately, I'm unable to explain Class iii, but I'm unlikely to swim in it. I should welcome an explanation of how wonderful is a visibility of 2.27 m (an improvement of 29 cm). Relate these minute measurements to the unreliable government statistics that often appear and I remain pessimistic, but I congratulate any improvement ... no matter how small.
Wenhua Xiang filling up with financially overextended youth
发布者Did any one notice this in the report; "... at 10pm the racket is only starting. The noise interferes with kids doing their homework"
Why on Earth are kids do homework at 10 pm?
Kunming preparing for another drought
发布者@Bob: Have you any idea what the plans may be. I hope that it's more than planning to have another meeting. Experts in global warming (and that is the reason) will suggest that immediate, severe, actions must be taken, for example, double the cost of water.
This simply not a 'fluctuation' - it'll be worse next year.
Records show that snow fall in the Himalayas and the Artic (for example) is no longer replenishing glacier melt - this has been the case for more than a decade ... and continues.
Construction of Kunming oil refinery to begin in October
发布者Can you please tell me the start location of the protest march?
Yunnan's universities underperforming nationally, regionally
发布者Many teachers, both Chinese and foreign, who are aware of this report will make it a subject of comment today. Of course, the greatest contributing factor for these results is financial which results in an energy spiral strengthened by the attraction of foreign experts and, thus, the best students. Therefore, in a way, it goes without saying that the Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Chongqing universities will lead the pack.
Having spent my extended China teaching time equally in Chengdu and Kunming, I am aware of some contributing factors that Liu Shaohuai ignores. Obviously, as a diligent political member of the Party, it is unlikely that his education has concentrated on much more than propaganda and, thus, some very good teachers at Yunnan University (known to me personally) who are not active Party members are given little attention.
I remember meeting a Chinese senior English-language teacher who had been introduced, proudly, with a Ph.D. Upon enquiry, I learnt that her dissertation was about Ethnic Tourism. Is there a link between ethnic groups and language? Yes, but will this knowledge improve the teaching of language in Yunnan? Very little, in my opinion. There is also the memory of my first introduction to a Kunming university - My guide proudly telling me that 90% of the university's teachers had a bachelor degree. Seeking more information, I learnt that of the remaining 9% comprised those with masters and doctorates, but 1% (approximately) only had a college diploma. I understand that this is no longer the case.
Yet, by comparison, I know of an elderly foreign tenured-professor from a top U.S. university, with two doctorates, who visits Kunming for six months every year - he teaches privately during his visit and has never been approached to assist with the university assessments that Mr. Liu seems to advocate.
Finally, I should be interested to know why there is a 60 years-old age cut-off for useful foreign experts ... perhaps related but a whole new subject.