用户配置文件: LaoNaiYangYu

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Forums > Living in Kunming > What don't you like about Kunming?

I hated it when I first arrived in KM because everyone seemed to be staring at me. But I've learnt a trick or two - now I spit in the most disgusting manner and snot up all over the place, and people just ignore me as if I'm a local. I love it.

Forums > Living in Kunming > cycling on sats...

Re. Saturday rides being too hardcore - I stopped riding with them because they were too slow and stopped too often! They always take account of new and inexperienced people, and if you're finding it too hard going, some of them will wait for you.

Usually they cycle out of the city and then up a hill on a proper road as far as they can. Then it's cross country to the top and then down as fast (or slow) as you like.

They're a really great bunch of guys, very knowledgable about bikes, and they'll help you out in all sorts of ways. They meet outside the shop at 9:30am and get their bikes ready and then leave at 10am. One of the guys speaks pretty good English.

You can hire a bike from them at a very reasonable price.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Road Rules

I would second that comment about using the car lanes and not the bike lanes. Also whether in a bike or car lane, always ride in the middle of the lane, so that no-one has room to overtake you and squeeze you into the kerb.

One of the things I've found most helpful is never to look at anyone, or at least make it appear you're not looking. If people think you've seen them, they'll take it as their right to do whatever they like. If they think you haven't seen them, they'll be careful. A pair of shades are ideal for this.

I find riding a bit faster than everyone else helps, as being overtaken is one of the biggest dangers. Cars and e-bikes overtake and then cut in too soon, especially if they want to turn right just in front of you.

If it's raining stay off the footpaths - they're absolutely treacherous. It's like riding on slime.

If you ride confidently and make it look like you own the road, other people will usually give way to you. Of course, you only need to get it wrong once...!!

Safe riding!

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Biking in and around Kunming

A few observations from riding in KM and being knocked off once or twice:

1. Don't look anyone in the eye - if they know you've seen them, they will assume you're going to stop for them.
2. In the rain, use the road, not the sidewalks which are treacherous when wet.
3. Go a little bit faster than everyone else, (although not too fast). If you're going too slow, people overtake, then cut in on you too soon.
4. If cycling with a friend, do your own thing, don't just blindly follow your friend. Trying to follow a friend draws your attention away from trying not to die.
5. Keep in the middle of the lane. The edges are full of holes, and buses will squeeze you into the kerb.
6. Danger spots are vehicles joining the road from the right. They will come out in front of you without looking.
Also, vehicles will overtake you, then immediately cut across the front of you to turn right. I have seen so many accidents caused like this. Also pedestrians will step off the sidewalk onto the road/cycle lane without looking, especially at bus stops.
7. Above all, assume that anyone around you will do something really, really stupid at any moment, because they will.

For me, riding in KM is a necessary evil. Riding outside KM is fantastic, beautiful scenery, quieter roads, greatly increased life expectancy.

(Oh, and if you leave your bike outside a shop, it won't be there when you get back. Really, it won't.)


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