Forums > Living in Kunming > Looking for high quality envelopes!
maybe you can try 螺蛳湾luo si wan or 新闻路批发市场xin wen lu pi fa shi chang. try the place sells stuff for wedding.
maybe you can try 螺蛳湾luo si wan or 新闻路批发市场xin wen lu pi fa shi chang. try the place sells stuff for wedding.
i bought some for my friends, from any vegi market. there is a big one on da guan lu. the name is 篆塘蔬菜批发市场zhuan tang vegi market. that is the biggest vegi market in kunming.
or, post there.
post here:). the best way.
there are some job offers here:
but, be careful, my friend was hired by a private school and she need to teach extra hours free, which is not written on the contract.
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