昆明 商家信息
YunPure Brewing is founded by a local female brewer. Each year we brew at least 20 types of beer. They are either the most popular style in the world, or combined with local features. We brew every beer with the modest heart and most careful attitude.
淡色麦香黄啤(拉格) Pale Lager
酒精度 ABV:4.1% 麦汁浓度 Original Gravity:11.5P
Golden in color with malty flavor and elegant hop aroma. Easy to drink.
慕尼黑经典黑啤 Munich Classic Stout
酒精度 ABV:4.5% 麦汁浓度 Original Gravity :12.5P
合畅饮。Rich in grainy or roasted malt flavor. Medium body with dark color. Easy to drink.
巴伐利亚小麦白啤 Bavarian Weise Beer
酒精度ABV:4.2% 麦汁浓度 Original Gravity :11.5P
A pale, refreshing German wheat beer, dry finish and a distinctive banana yeast character
海盐甜橙小麦 Sea Salt Sweet Orange Belgium Wheat Beer
酒精度 ABV:4.8% 麦汁浓度 Original Gravity :13.4P
本产品荣获2018中国国际啤酒挑战赛特别推荐奖。It’s a belgian wheat beer.
Fresh wheat flavor with citrus, orange ,bubble gum aroma, a hint of sea salt
contributes more fresh and delicacy. This beer has won a prize at 2018 China International Beer Challenge.
普洱大麦 Pu’er Tea Ale
酒精度 ABV :6.8% 麦汁浓度 Original Gravity :16.5P
普洱茶是云南著名特产。这款酒采用精挑细选的上等普洱茶,萃取时间低至10分钟,最大程度上保留了普洱茶的熟香和糯香同时又避免了多酚带来的涩口感。口感平衡,收口干。你甚至感觉丌到它的酒精感。This is an interesting beer made with a Yunnan specialty--Pu’er tea which has pu’er flavor at back of mouth. Very balanced with high alcohol and dry finish.
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