昆明 商家信息
Created in 2002 by a group of Chinese dancers in Kunming, Dangsters is not only an audacious dance company, it is also one of China’s most renown dance training center.
Today, Dangsters is managed by French director Mimane Musa and the Dangsters Chinese original core team. It counts two locations, one in Kunming’s city center Nanpingjie area, and one in Kunming’s Chenggong University town.
The Dangsters Dance Center provides dance classes for thousands of kids and adults alike, and is also involved in many sister activities such as dance shows, video production, etc.
- 名称Dangsters Dance School, Chenggong Universities Location
旦斯特国际街舞培训中心(呈贡大学城店) - 地址Yuhua Yuxiu Residential Area, New Era Commercial Area L-206, Kunming
昆明雨花毓秀小区新天地商业广场L-206(理工大二号门对面中国银行左侧前行100米) - 座机号(0871) 65956356
- 营业时间Daily: 17:00 to 21:30 (Closed on Monday)
- 网站www.thedangsters.com/
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