
Cultural Colonialism

xb6asd (170 posts) • 0

mmkunmingteacher i now assume youre a troll. i wont waste my time on why. if you disagree its obvious youre autistic

nickinkm (13 posts) • 0

How many foreigners do you think are trying to import their culture? Is it working to any degree? BK's arrival has really affected your life, huh?

mmkunmingteacher (561 posts) • 0

xb6asd, people like you, who cannot have a discussion without resorting to name calling, are one of the reasons internet forums have these sorts of problems. Surely you are better than that?

yankee00 (1632 posts) • 0

Let's get back on topic and stop letting MM titillate our egos.

@mmkunmingteacher, you are the OP. It's your thread. And yet you haven't directly answered any of the replies that were on topic since page 2.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

i used to think mm was a troll. but he's not. this is an interesting topic, and complicated. mm doesn't have all the answers to this issue, but neither does anyone else.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

point to note. i did not bring BK to kunming, so if I chose to eat there that does not make be a cultural colonist. same goes if i chose to buy peanut butter and cornflakes in carrefour.


Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

Let me reiterate my previous post without all the clutter:

1) Please define what is Chinese and foreign culture. It would be impossible to discuss where the line is as you wish to discuss without having a definitive boundary.

2) Please define the local culture in which you are trying to fit into and explain how by living a western lifestyle, we are destroying the local culture.

3) Why should we try to fit in based on what we know of the local custom? What if our understanding of the local culture was completely wrong and offensive? Should we continue to practice such customs? And doesn't by trying to fit in, we deprive the locals an opportunity to learn about a different culture?

4) In what way is our attempt to live a western lifestyle purposely changing Chinese culture instead of letting it progress naturally?

5) Why should we blindly accept and live by the culture we are in when we believe in our bones is wrong? Or in your words, transcends culture. And how is eating western foods not accepting of Chinese culture?

Please address these questions directly. Thus far you have side stepped the questions by turning the conversation to a discussion of personal attacks. Now, let's see if you are capable of engaging in a dialogue on a topic you have started. No personal attacks, no asides, and no name calling. Just a pure old-fashioned logic based argumentative debate. Let's get it on.

Looking forward to your response and a lively debate.

mmkunmingteacher (561 posts) • 0

Tonyaod, I have to work early tomorrow morning, so I need to go to bed. But I promise that I will reply tomorrow. Thank you.

xb6asd (170 posts) • 0

im married to a chinese woman she refuses to learn english. i do not teach english for a living. im am probably the youngest person here. i live a chinese life, i could never live off of 2000. until i meet mmkunming in person ill consider him as 美国的垃圾桶

mmkunmingteacher (561 posts) • 0

xb6asd, again, if you cannot hold a discussion without insulting people personally, then it is you who have the problem, not I.

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