
Cultural Colonialism

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Everything we do, Chinese or nonChinese, adds to the development of a generalized global culture, which has and will continue to have local variety. There are no barriers around Chinese culture. Chinese culture has changed more in the past 100 years than the cultures of western Europe or North America. Concentrated wealth and power, and the necessity of ordinary people to adapt to it (but never completely, there is always resistance) drive cultural change.
None of which means it's a good idea for foreigners in China to whine or demand that everything fit their ideas of how they should be able to live, or to condemn huge mythical entities (e.g., 'China'), as well as individual Chinese people, for not conforming to their wishes. Getting hyped up about every petty cultural detail that annoys you is a waste of time, especially if you assume that you understand it all, and/or consciously try not to. Although to come to such understanding is partly an inetellectual process, it is much more one of entering the culture as you would a swimming pool - one doesn't learn to swim by merely theorizing and watching from poolside. And no, you don't have to adopt everything, just don't be a pain in the ass to the other swimmers.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

The more I re-read your arguments, Mr. mmkunmingteacher, the more I become incensed and offended by your comments, not just for myself but for my friends, both Chinese and expats.


"What...is the line between an expat in a foreign culture enjoying a 'taste of home,'...and actually importing his or her own culture...[so]that [it] erodes the foreign culture?"

Why argue where the line is? The underlining assumption is that cultures should be kept pure and isolated from each other. Who gives you the right to dictate what culture should one group of people experience vs another? Just because you are a "White" man automatically dictates you to be the arbitrator of what the Chinese should experience? Should Chinese people only stick to traditional Erhu, Gourd flute music and Beijing opera never to enjoy the heavenly sounds of Bach and Mozart? Or heavy metal, rap, and R&B? Should the stay with Calligraphy paints and not contemplate a Picasso or a Pollock painting? And by reverse reasoning, are you arguing that immigrants in America should be denied the "comforts of home" as so not to pollute "American culture"? What defines America is the rick tapestry of culture in which we enjoy, I don't know of any other country in which one can experience so many different cultures in one place. To not be proud of the hodge-podge mix of culture that we have is to be a one-dimensional American and maybe even border-lining on racism.


"there is no need to personally attack people with whom you disagree"

We are not attacking you because we disagree with you, it is because you are being an maniacal blathering idiot that quite frankly, is embarrassing us.

"asking me to define and explain Chinese culture in one post is a bit unreasonable. Nor have I ever claimed to be an expert. I just believe in *trying* to fit in with local culture, rather than import one's culture."

If you are not able to define Chinese culture then how can you draw a line, as is the purpose of the tread you've started. It's self defeating and makes you look moronic.

If you are not an expert than why do you keep telling other people what to do in a definitive manner? Now you look like a egotistical idiot.

You're very presence in China, with your western clothing, mannerisms, beliefs, is an EXPORTATION of foreign culture into Chinese culture. No matter now much you *try* to fit into Chinese culture, your interaction with local Chinese is already altering it. By the way, you think yourself to be "special" just because you live the Chinese lifestyle and embrace its culture. HELLO, there are already over 1.3 BILLION human beings already living the Chinese lifestyle and embracing the Chinese culture. Or do you mean you are special because you are "white" and embracing the culture. Then how racist and condescending of you to think that your own culture is so superior that it makes you special when you "live down" amongst a different culture. Stop tooting your own horn. You are now looking like a egotistical, maniacal idiot.


"I do believe that expats should *try* to fit in based on what they know"

So instead of truly embracing one culture and seek the real meaning of it, we should insult the local people by practicing a twisted, perverted, self-serving version of it? So that means I should wear a bamboo hat and kitted out in Kung-fu gear, move my hand in a menacing kung-fu manner every time I venture out and interact with the local. Now we are beginning to see what you are all about.


"surely you can see that there is a difference between wanting China to progress culturally (as Chinese people see fit), and Westerners trying to change it themselves?"

No, what is the difference? How is living a western lifestyle in China and as a result, the locals beginning to mimic it different from telling the locals this is how I live my life and it's wonderful? How is eating Burger King in China any different from eating Panda Express in the States? So, did the Chinese colonize America culturally first? If that being the case, wouldn't it be fair game for us to "strike-back" so to speak?


"I do not believe that one must LIKE the foreign culture into which one is placed. One must, contrarily, accept it and live by it."

Why should we accept it like sheep? So you believe the whole slavery issue and the civil rights movement in America is a hog-wash? The Africans should just accept the fact they are slaves and live obediently according to their master's wishes? Is that what you did at your last job teaching at a elementary school when you demand that the school treat you special by picking you up in the city to go to work when the Chinese teachers have to find their own mode of transportation? Was is accepting the culture when you left in the middle of the semester when you no longer like the environment when the local culture dictates that you should just grin and bear it?


"Some things transcend culture"

Oh, you mean things like drinking beer, listening to rap music and eating corn flakes.

Why should Westerners get to eat corn flakes and Chinese can not. If that being the case, STOP EATING TOFU! You stick to your coffee and let the Chinese stick to their tea. Don't go around to Chinese homes and drink their tea, it wouldn't be fair since they are not allowed to drink coffee.


"I am not sure I understand your point about Africa"

How can you not know the "Out of Africa" theory when you are so keen on human culture?


"as I understood it, one purpose of internet forums was to discuss things"

And so is troll hunting and mocking silly individuals. So don't be so surprised at our reactions.


Looking forward to reading your pearls of wisdom and other musings in your next post.


Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@Tony, aren't there more interesting things to talk about than mmkunming? The guy has things to say that are worth considering, I doubt if he's right about everything, so what? Some of you guys are more into yourselves and each other than you are into anything else. Don't go being 'incensed' alla time, hardly worth it.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

@Alien, yes there are. But by posing this question you are redirecting the topic of conversation back on mmkunmingteacher.

Let's all just move on, that is until mmkunmingteacher poses another one of his inquisitive questions.


mmkunmingteacher (561 posts) • 0

Tony, because your post is basically one long ad hominem attack, I will not respond to most of it. But you caught my curiosity when you said: "Is that what you did at your last job teaching at a elementary school when you demand that the school treat you special by picking you up in the city to go to work when the Chinese teachers have to find their own mode of transportation? Was is accepting the culture when you left in the middle of the semester when you no longer like the environment when the local culture dictates that you should just grin and bear it?"

You must have the wrong person.

mmkunmingteacher (561 posts) • 0

Dazzer, no, I did not. Nor have I ever asked any job in my life to "pick me up in the city."

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0


Yes, it was. I was in attack mode (and perhaps still am) and I applaud you for taking the high road in choosing not to respond to those.

However, I will have to say that while there were personal jabs mixed in there, by no means is the argument ad hominem, there are still many valid viewpoints in which you need to address if you wish to continue this discussion of "cultural colonialism"; to walk away now to be equating to admitting you don't know what yo are talking about.

Perhaps I do have the wrong person and perhaps I don't, it's irrelevant now, the point is moot.

As always, while the attack might become personal, it is never really personal; I am only responding to what I read, albeit sometimes with more emotion and disdain.

So please, continue with your musings. A few years from now the mention of

"mmkunmingteacher" will bring back feelings of nostalgia to us old timers just as the mention of "gaoxing" today bring back memories of battles past.


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