
Cultural Colonialism

Kate.Kunming (40 posts) • 0


Why do you always ask such provocative questions and then complain about the outcome? Why dont you just discuss certain matters with people you know in real life. Have a conversation face to face and know whats the other persons' background.

mmkunmingteacher (561 posts) • 0

Kate, as I understood it, one purpose of internet forums was to discuss things. Of course I discuss things face to face as well. But, unless I am mistaken, a "forum" is a place to discuss things.

Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0

human migration started in africa. and thats where and when all cultures started.

you saud some things trancend culture.
let me ask you.
shiuld i hate Japan as i live in china?
not hating japan is not widely accepted.

even to the point where i was threatened violence upon me if i say 'i like japan as much as i like china'..again.
what would be the right choice to fit in.

mmkunmingteacher (561 posts) • 0

tuna, ah ok I understand what you were saying about Africa. And, as I said, some things transcend culture. hating other peoples and engaging in war, genocide, murder, etc., are wrong, no matter the culture.

Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0

i agrre with you but it doesn't apply for china since hatred and/or racism, even between the provinces is part of chinese culture.

i.m not trying to piss you off just wanted to point something out.

Kate.Kunming (40 posts) • 0

Sure, forums are there to discuss things, but the way questions are asked reminds me of "The Sun".

And about transcending into other cultures. Maybe one day in the future, it will be normal for every Chinese to flush the toilet :-DD

Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0

'Maybe one day in the future, it will be normal for every Chinese to flush the toilet'

not trying to ruin ones dream. but be realistic....lol

Quester (233 posts) • 0

Wouldn't cultural colonialism being forcing a change that the people don't want? Fortunately most of us don't have the power to do that! China is in fact constantly changing, according to the choices of Chinese people themselves. Even if we are seeing the demise of 'traditional' Chinese culture, it's nothing to do with colonialism because it is not being imposed by foreigners.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

My guess is that he doesn't have any real face-to-face friends and this forum is his only emotional outlet. Just my own opinion though.

Yes it is, but don't tell him that.

I don't even know where to begin, I have even contemplated not responding to your musings but alas, I am a mere moral and could not overcome my urges to be petty.

So here we go:

1) It is ironic that you speak of cultural colonialism and in the same breath, talk about "the common" Chinese people as if you are above them by virtue of you being a foreigner.

2) Can you speak functional Chinese? If in order to communicate with you, your Chinese friends in which you are so fond of, are required to speak English then you are causing undue influence on Chinese culture by forcing them to learn and speak a non-native language.

3) What is your employment in China? If it's anything other than a traditional Chinese profession then you are committing cultural colonialism by bringing Western ideas into China.

4) Do you spit on the sidewalk, pick your nose in public, jump the queue, push your way onto a crowded bus? If you don't do those things then you can't claim that you have accepted and embraced Chinese culture. The fact that you don't "Do as the Romans do" makes you a bonafide foreigner which will have a cultural effect on those around you through your actions and in-actions thereby imparting cultural colonialism.

5) Do you not sometimes patronize Western dining establishments and do you not drink *gasp* beer and wine? IF so, you are directing supporting an institution that promotes cultural colonialism. Doesn't that smack of hypocriticalism? Do you not realize that beer is not native to China and was brought over during the "real" colonial period.

6) China does not have 8000 years of history, by Chinese oral tradition, it is said to have 5000 years of history. If going by archeological evidence, it is only around 4000 years.

In summary:
Mr. mmkunmingteacher, you have the right to your opinions and lifestyle choices as much as anyone else, however, do not point and wag your finger at us with an holier-than-thou attitude when we make different lifestyle choices. Yes, the forum is a place for open discussion, but it is also a community in which we all belong to. And as such, there are social rules, spoken and unspoken, in which we must adhere otherwise we risk the ire and retribution of fellow netizens as you are now experiencing. You as much right to say what you want to say and we have as much right to mock and ridicule your behavior. This is called the freedom of speech. Ooops, I think I now just committed cultural colonialism myself.


yankee00 (1632 posts) • 0

@mmkunmingteacher said: "it includes eating what the common Chinese people eat (...) inviting Chinese people to your house to hang out; etc."

No offense, but that list seems quite superficial. Apart from the foreigners who are "stuck" in China by obligation because they are unable to get a job and a life elsewhere, pretty much all other foreigners relatively experience most of what you listed on an extremely basic week. If, during all that time you've been here already, those are the only things you've limited yourself to experience from the real China, then you have not experienced the real China at all. Not even with the tip in.

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