
Cultural Colonialism

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

Put your keyboard away, as I'm about to do, and give your brain a chance. Read what others are telling you and let it sink in. Give it a rest. Disappear for a while and watch what good things happen on here when you make space.

mmkunmingteacher (561 posts) • 0

nnoble, I made this thread. It has a specific topic. I am sorry if you think that posts about Corn Flakes and Burger King are more important and intellectual, but I have to disagree.

Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0

-I do all the things you mentioned but i don't have to agree with it or like it.
a lot of chinese culture is terrible or at least outdated.
the interesting thing is many of my chinese friends don't like the same things about their culture than foreigners.

so foreigners have accept it while chinese dislike it?
So we should racially divide our feelings and opinion?
Do i like some things about china? of course but not enough to use one-fits-all culturally.

plus every foreigner i know, eats chinese,studies chin culture, hangs out with chinese,earns chinese...etc. but you can't do it all the time and not forever. if you do you deny the fact that you are not chinesr and will never ever be considered chinese and you may not know it yet, but you will move your living place or what you call home back to you nation of origin. we all have done or at least planning on it.

will we still spend many month in china and enjoy the hell out of it but we will have our base of operation back home.

as a good friend of mine said it.

...'once you flew business class it's impossible to go back to economy class. sure you can take the occassional economy flight but you will always go back to business class naturally'

....China slowly but steadily on you and at some point you have to give in and accept everything opposite of what we have learned. or you resist and that will bring troubles everywhere. or you balance in the middle but that will only extend the time. you will still have to decide. from all my years here and hundreds of friends only one has chosen to be CHINESE and he already regrets it.

mmkunmingteacher (561 posts) • 0

tuna, I do not believe that one must LIKE the foreign culture into which one is placed. One must, contrarily, accept it and live by it.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

i go to kfc, mcd, carrefour, japanese food bars, and the vast maority of customers are local chinese, and not the super rich either, so i guess i am eating and shopping like a local. its globalisation in action. in fact there are many places that are full of chinese diners that i think are way too expensive. when i go home there are hardly any places left that serve british food, but we have greek, french, russian, morrocan, algerian, indian, and many many chinese restaurants in my hometown UK. i guess i should demand wallmart take out the deli counter, picket aldi and lidl, and demand all forieng visitors eat bangers and mash, pie and custard and drink tea and ale.

Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0

so if you would have travelled to germany in '42you should have joined the Nazi movement and hate and kill jews. thats what the established culture promoted by the government was at the time.
...thats correct,right?

also traditional aboriginal central american culture included human sacrifice...really do we have to really use or be part of the culture we are placed in?

mmkunmingteacher (561 posts) • 0

tuna, no. Some things transcend culture, such as murder, genocide, and war.

Kate.Kunming (40 posts) • 0

@mmkunmingteacher: Why do you always ask such provocative questions and then complain about the outcome? Why dont you just discuss certain matters with people you know in real life. Have a conversation face to face and know whats the other persons' background.

Besides. What can I see and experience in my everyday life about Chinese Culture?
- the relation between family members and people they have guanxi with is familiar and rather close. Whereas they give a shit about people outside their circle.
—-> this leads to the reckless and selfish behaviour and attitude you can 'enjoy' every day.

- for more than 100 years the Chinese government and scholars try to civilise (wenming) the public such as 'wash your face and hands', 'properly dress', 'comb your hair', 'dont spit on the street' etc.
The reality after 100years? No change. Well, 100years ago people couldnt flush the toilet because there were no flushings. Today girls just dont want to flush and they like to leave their sanitary products spread open in the rubbish bin. Well, not everyone is interested in what stage of the monthly period the girl who just left the toilet is.
And, there is no soap and paper towls!

Particulary nice are all the sayings and Chengyus about: Boys are more valuable than girls.
And: Hitting children is absolutely fine and only helps them to become a good person.

Spending time with prostitutes and 'drinking girls' (san pei xiaojie) is absolutely fine and no reason to get divorced.

Obedience: Chinese people dont dare to complain to people above them. And in order to impress their seniors they build huge buildings (pure waste). But dont spend money on useful things that people would see e.g. pipelines and sewage system.

As someone stated before: Chinese foreign policy over the last hundreds of years. Definitely not the nice neighbour.

The lack or nonexistence of process of coming to terms with one's past. Note, some Western countries are also short on that.

The list could go on for ages.

Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0

i think its only this crazy infantile demand of the past. chinese,not all of course,but most think their culture is so perfect,great and without fault that they demand it on you even living abtoad. go to any chinatown and you will meet chinese living there for decades and have not integrated into its local culture. nor do they plan too.

plus this whole chinese culture is one of the oldest culture is funny. such a chinese statement. sounds like right out of the red 'we have no backbone so we need national pride. so lets be silly' - book.
all cultures are equally old and equally strong untill they evolved into another stronger better culture. if not artificially subdued. as happening here right now!

the moment we left the african continent we build cultures with the same starting time and the same laptime. we just haf differnt running techniques.

mmkunmingteacher (561 posts) • 0

tuna, I am not sure I understand your point about Africa. Could you please elaborate?

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