
Go Kunming web design.

mmkunmingteacher (561 posts) • 0

I was wondering if anyone knows: does this website (Go Kunming) use Wordpress for their design? I like some of the features here alot, and I wonder which theme they use? I hope it is ok to ask this!

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

Instead of creating a thread asking people who were not involved with the designing and/or creation of this website, why don't you click on the contact link on the tool bar at the top of the website and actually ask the people who run this website?

Just a thought.



PS, for your information (and to stay relevant to the thread), I have no idea if they used Wordpress or not, I don't even know what Wordpress is. ASK THE WEBMASTERS DIRECTLY, DON'T ASK US.


PPS, I wish there were a website somewhere where I can submit documented evidence of frivolous threads on GoKunming so that there could be a reward/punish system to relieve the many frustrations of GoKunming readers, both foreign and Chinese, from having to be exposed to such behavior. Anyone of you guys with IT experience, I would totally support you guys in creating such a website!

Ciao! Squared~

mPRin (821 posts) • 0

I thought WordPress was periodically banned in China? Sometimes it's accessible without a VPN, sometimes not?

Elisa (174 posts) • 0

Wordpress.com is a free blog hoster, wordpress.org is an opensource platform which can be installed into a separately-hosted website. IF GK uses wordpress, that's how they do it. It's never been a prob for me to access or update a wordpress blog here.

baoandi (16 posts) • 0

If you are asking why I make that statement, well there are usually plenty of indicators when you look at the source code of a WordPress site, for example resources in a wp-content directory.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

I thought gokm was planning to implement a "like/dislike" system for its blogs and articles?

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