
Mindcops and communication

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Who is Justin Bieber, anyway? I honestly don't know - another bs pop personality, I'm sure - and if you are as uninterested in the subject as I am - it's not like I couldn't find out in 30 seconds - I will understand if nobody bothers to answer.

mPRin (821 posts) • 0

Ahahaha you're kidding right, you can't go to any news website without there being an article about him...

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@mPRin, yes, I've noticed that, I just automatically don't read them.
I think my computer is slightly screwy lately, should get somebody who understands it check it out - but I notice an awful lot of SORRY YOU CAN'T READ THIS notices when I try to download these days - how about you folks?

prot_d (5 posts) • 0

Yes, without VPN, most of the internet is simply unusable. I also think the connection to the outside is throttled - so as to discourage people from using foreign servers. Hope it gets better soon, after the 1989 massacre aniversary.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

gmail, google.com.xx (aka any international google website) and live.com (hotmail) have become increasingly difficult for me to access.

I assumed this was related to the upcoming triple play - religious extremists, txxnxnmxn protests, and the looming solar, IT, etc trade wars with the USA.

I've considered a VPN - but haven't seen anyone comment on a reliable (last for over a year) VPN yet...or I skimmed the VPN threads too fast.

Looks like I may need to resurrect my own private domain name again. I wonder if laotou00.com is still available...

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Anybody know which hoops I have to jump through before I can sign up with academia.edu? Some storm of mindpatrolling currently seems to make it impossible. Perhaps they're trying to boost alcohol sales? I think I'm about ready to help them.

mike4g_air (788 posts) • 0

Manipulation of information is also big business.

Oh you masters of war, is the money that good ?
I just want you to know i can see through your masks.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Not sure this is about war, although you could consider that it is, but then you'd be defining big business and manipulation as war. You'd have a point - businessmen are supposedly always reading Sunzi's The Art of War - but then the word would begin to lose its meaning.
Anyway, the first obvious example of manipulation of information as big business is obviously the advertising and PR industry, which is all about manipulation, feeding off the human ability to communicate - our most important defining quality as a species. We live in the midst of a swamp of such manipulation, all over the world.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Mindpigs seem to be out today in force, do not invite them in for a cup of coffee. And may it rain thunderbolts on them.

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