
Mindcops and communication

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

My most common annoyance about living in China - they're everywhere, relentless - who do they think they are fooling? But it helps explain the common practical sense of most people, which is admirable in a way and quite depressing in others.

Apparently virtually all Yahoo news articles are "Sorry this cannot be displayed" today, and google is worse than usual, as usual. There's a great world out there for those who understand the difference between communication and manipulation, but an awful lot of organizations the members of which are paid not to know the difference. Then add everyone in advertising and PR - everywhere - and it gets pretty depressing.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@HFCampo: yeah, a fair comment, done in different ways in different places. On the other hand, there's no going back to the Old World Order, which is crashing around us as we speak.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

The world is getting smaller and it is so hard to find other places to find. Visa regs all over the world are getting more difficult.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@HFCampo: Friend of mine, who knows these things, tells me only about 100 years ago or slightly before, even passports were rarely necessary for visiting other countries. I've seen occasional examples indicating that was indeed the case.

As for the 1% - why, yes sir, of course, whatever you want, 3 bags full.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

you're complaining that yahoo news articles are blocked? that stuff's all propaganda anyway.

yankee00 (1632 posts) • 0

Articles about a Justin Bieber as young as 14yo, already singing about murdering Black people and joining the KKK? How is that propaganda?

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

there's a lot of anti-china hate articles on yahoo news. and the powers that be here are wise to block out that garbage.

have you ever asked yourself why there are articles about justin bieber 300 days a year? It's not 'propaganda', but they direct people's attention away from important issues. or actually, i take that back. maybe there is also a lot of propaganda in these articles... but i'd have to look at a specific article to decide.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@Magnifico, of course you're right with both posts, but hey, it's everywhere, and I'd rather sift garbage without help from the state.

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