
Advice to Study un Kunming! YNU / YNNU

TheBJeye (1 post) • 0

Hi to everybody!
I'm from Barcelona, currently living in Beijing. And I must be honest here.
I have a very important decision to make in a very little period of time concerning the place I'll be studying next semester -september 2014.
It's very easy: I'm in Beijing and cannot stand the pollution anymore. I was un Kunming for 6 days and realised that there is other places within China where to have a healthier life (thanks god) meanwhile studying its wonderful language and getting to know its amazing culture from the inside.
Bearing in mind that I am studying Chinese Language in Beijing Language and Culture University and in a course that would still take me two more years, I wonder how is it in YNU?
Is it convenient to go study there? are there appropriate courses? I've been looking for it in the internet but there's barely any information about them.
So basically, I dunno wether to go to Yunnan Normal University or Yunnan University.I just don't wanna push the boat out moving to Kunming without any information from people that's studying in there.
I would very much appreciate your opinion. Thank you very much.

baoandi (16 posts) • 0

Hola! I too am looking at Kunming for long-term study. I'm not yet in China, so can't help you much. i've been using cucas.edu.cn for my information. They are very helpful if you email them. I like the look of Yunnan University campus.


laotou (1714 posts) • 0

Both, if not all universities in Kunming are basically the same. Yunnan University has the advantage of being a "National" level university, so within China, it's branding is a smidgeon (little) better.

You will probably attend classes in the Chenggong area, regardless of which university you select - but check with the schools language department directly. Chenggong is a suburb of Kunming where almost all of the students now study - it's kind of a giant campus city. All universities operate buses that commute between Chenggong and Kunming City - where most universities maintain their old campuses, which are more focuses on research, graduate (MS/MA), and post graduate (PhD) studies.

Yunnan University is closest to the expat-ish cafes and restaurants, although I'm not familiar with any serving Spanish cuisine (if you're missing home cooking).

faraday (213 posts) • 0

YNU and YNNU are 5 minutes walk between them. Location is convenient and a good bus service in all directions. Plenty of options for lunch all around. Teaching quality is hard to measure but i would hazard a guess that YNNU has the upper hand. I'm not sure how accurate the statement is that the classes are held in Chenggong - maybe YNU have something in Chenggong but YNNU has their Chinese Language institute just inside the jianshelu entrance. Both uni's cost the same. YNU has a much nicer campus and YNNU is a bit rough - but some people like roughing it. The curriculum in both schools is the same, you can get private classes for an extremely reasonable 55 per hour if you want. Accommodation (off campus) can be hard to find at the beginning of a semester so better to come a month early. CUCAS are very helpfull but whatever they do for you (in exchange for money), you will discover that you need to do it all again yourself when you arrive.

baoandi (16 posts) • 0

Thanks for the warning about CUCAS. It occurred to me after my first post here that I might be seen as a cheerleader for them, which I certainly am not. I did specifically ask them whether the YNU Chinese-language classes were held on the city-centre campus, and they confirmed that they are. So now I am not so sure.

mPRin (821 posts) • 0

All the students I know studying at YNNU, YNU and KUST are studying in the downtown campus', except for a few Thai students.

Check directly with whichever uni you choose where you will be studying as, in my opinion it would suck being located in Chenggong.. If you wanna have any kind of life outside studies that is.

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