
February Visa Run--Laos?

KatandRose (8 posts) • 0

Is anyone planning to do a visa run to the Laos border in the next few weeks and wouldn't mind me tagging along? I don't mind taking the trip by myself—the other posts on this topic give very clear instructions—but I thought it might be considerably easier if I could go with someone who already knows what they are doing. Thanks!

Inthelivinfor (50 posts) • 0

It is really easy to do, and you could do it yourself.

You get there, pay money and get in the country.


I just came back from Laos! such a beautiful country!

redjon77 (510 posts) • 0

I wished I'd known how easy it was before going through the hassle of locating the Laos embassy here in Kunming last October for when I went. Easy when I got to embassy here in Kunming as well but why bother when you can just pay at the border when you go lol

Inthelivinfor (50 posts) • 0

@redjon77 at least you are able to see the Kunming subway... Is not an imaginarium project...it is real LOL

If you pay with US dollars in the boarder it is even cheaper that doing it in the embassy

redjon77 (510 posts) • 0

Well its a beautiful country so will be going back and definitely using the sensible way this time, if a pile of dust counting for subway, yeah I see it ;o)

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