
Need Traditional Chinese Medicine Specialitst

Sundancer (38 posts) • 0

I have a lung condition that has not been improved much by Western Medicine-I would like to try some TCM-does anyone know of one who can speak English? I prefer an older person but will see a younger person.

viajante (58 posts) • 0

There is a big provincial TCM hospital on Ren Min Zhong lu, next to the flower & bird market. I often go there for acupuncture and massage sessions, satisfied with the result and fees. The doctors don't speak English, yet it doesn't make them less professional. Maybe you better find an interpreter, or take a friend able to translate for you, and visit the place.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

There is another TCM hospital opposite side of JinBi Lu (N side), from the main Yunnan #1 People's Hospital (aka KunHua), in the centre of town next (100m West of) to Jinbi Square.

There is a big one on Dongfangdong Lu, but I would never advise anyone to go there.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

If I had a fairly serious condition, I would go to local TCM hospitals. But I might also consider contacting Western TCM doctors (ie in your home country) and see if they could offer any long-distance assistance. It might be a long shot, but it's only a couple of phone calls/emails and they might be surprisingly helpful (ie give you a general idea of which herbs might be helpful, if not a full diagnosis and prescription).

Sundancer (38 posts) • 0

Magnifico are you kidding-American doctors would never do that. I have already gone to them. I think the meds will kill me before the condition does. But thanks

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

I meant Western TCM practitioners. Or other non-conventional practitioners such as naturopaths, homeopaths... ie what is commonly referred to as "alternative medicine" even though it existed before "conventional" medicine came along. <wink wink>

Silvio DaVinci (282 posts) • 0

Problem with TCM doctors abroad: they can't often get the right herbs and right quality (many Yunnan herbs are a lot more potent than US or European herbs). That's why we came here.

A lot of those "naturopaths, homeopaths" etc. medicine doesn't work because it's too weak or because the doctors aren't properly trained in their field. Some TCM doctors in China have received a 1000 times more rigorous training than those western alternative medicine doctors.
Plus they have reputations to uphold. Reputation = prestige and thus more income. I've seen such doctors get patients from other provinces just because of their superb specialty. I've seen and used a variety of medicines (some home-made by specialists).
Some medicine work absolute miracles. And some don't work at all because our bodies are used to western medicine. It varies per person and the type of condition.

Anyways, be sure to get as much information and speak to local doctors, specialists etc. Find the right hospital. Each hospital has their own specialties and specialists working there. 1 Specialist doctor or doctor with connections can make a difference in your treatment.

Sundancer (38 posts) • 0

Thanks-I had a doctor actually respond-he wants to practice his English-no charge for taking me around the hospital-I am better now but still want to try taking on a full treatment for the condition. I have read that the Chinese are very good at lung conditions and really these meds are way too much. I take so many and the side effect listings are 10 pages. Stem cell research is going slowly forward with this but you have to to Bangkok and it is expensive even there-no insurance co would cover stem cell stuff now anyway. When we get back from vacaction I am starting. I heard they had a paste or what we used to call a plaster that works miracles. Thanks for your response always appreciated when someone takes the time-its important.

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • +1

In general I am in favour or herbal medicine but I have stumbled over a few articles lately, that talked about banning TCM drugs because they are highly contaminated, just imagine what they do with veggies here so you have a rough idea what they do with chinese medz in over here.

Some of the samples they took in Europe were so extremely contaminated that they would cause more harm than good. Except if you need your daily intake of arsenic, lead or mercury.

Keep in mind that the chinee medz for export is the better quality so what stays here only the sky is the limit of contamination.

I disagree, with western TCM doctors....first most of them go to China for a few terms to study at good universities and they don;t prescribe expensive useless drugs. The last time I had to take Chinese medz (for tonsilities) they prescribes 8 drugs and I was supposed to pay 1100RMB, so I went to the pharmacy and got a 35 RMB antibiotic.

Most Chinese medz are far overpriced for the effects. Plus a lot of TCM docs recognize now that many drugs don't work especilly the ones that take a week or longer to take effect, show that it's more likely that the body solved it on its own rather than any drugs.

There are a few doctors who want to change the system for the better but they are fighting against overpriced and monopoly TCM drug makers and as we know from the west that is not a good thing.

If you have to use TCM do a bit research about the contamination level of the drug in the area and make sure that it benfits you more than it harms you. I'm serious I am talking about extreeeeeeeeme contamination.

Careful....I went back to Western medz because of this.

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