
Windows 8 is breaking my balls

bluppfisk (398 posts) • 0

Windows 8 isn't that bad and has some interesting features. However I despise the new metro interface which is really useless if you're trying to do real work. Just install ClassicShell (free) and you're back to normal.

Now, as for your SD card. Perhaps the SD card is formatted in a filesystem that is not supported by Windows RT or the other way around. I suggest you copy your data to your Windows 7 machine and then format your SD card as FAT32 (if the size is 32 GB or less) or NTFS (if the size is over 32 GB).

If the NTFS doesn't work, try formatting it as FAT32 (although you'll only be able to use 32GB of your disk), and the other way around: if FAT32 doesn't work, try formatting as NTFS.

I wonder if Microsoft may have dropped support for FAT32 in Windows RT.

faraday (213 posts) • 0

bluppfisk, good suggestion but it didnt work. Skydrive will be fine for now but Im going to move away from Win8 RT. The classicShell app isnt available for RT, but today got a message to update to 8.1, which I will retest after the 2.1gb gets downloaded (probably take a week, since the Lenovo Yoga is also well known for dropping connection, known defect). Dont buy a yoga, no matter how good it looks...

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

Note to all contented Mac OSx users reading this thread: take those smug smirks off of your faces! :-)

bluppfisk (398 posts) • 0

wipe the RT version off your Yoga and install a standard Windows 8.1. The connection dropping thing is a driver issue which can be easily upgraded (the problem is gone on my Lenovo X230) on a normal version of Windows.

blobbles (958 posts) • 0

I don't think that's feasible bluppfisk as the RT version is for a different architecture - 32bit ARM. As opposed to the standard version which is for the x86 architecture. Hence the need for different drivers etc.

If faraday has RT version now, he must have an ARM processor. Standard Windows 8 won't work on ARM processors (as fas as I know).

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