
Standing at an impasse, need some advice or pep talk~

Karina17 (70 posts) • 0

I totally agree with Dazzer, we see so many scams on Internet today (from China or somewhere else) and a lot of them start exactly the same way than here. Someone tell his sad story and later then, when you have created a virtual relationship with him, come the demand (in a private message) for money.

When you see how many people get still hooked by this kind of scam, it doesn't hurt to be vigilant.

I really don't think Dazzer first post was irrespective, he was just saying "I hope this is not a scam" while responding to Dave.

I think you guys are pretty quick on telling someone is a d.che.

Anyway, good luck to Dave in finding a solution to his situation

dm-01 (9 posts) • 0

Thanks for the reply, don't wanna bore you with details, but looking for opportunities outside Kunming is not an option at present, but anyway thanks again.

dm-01 (9 posts) • 0

Thanks a lot for the advice regarding job hunting, this is exactly what I need at the moment, really appreciate your input.

dm-01 (9 posts) • 0

@Dazzer & @Karina17
Now I understand your concerns. I got emotional and wrote a lengthy post, what I should have written was a much brief one explaining my current situation and specifically ask for advice on career move. But anyway, thanks for caring.

Long-Dragon (393 posts) • 0

Dave, You might consider starting your own company. Its soon not going to require any capital to start up by the government. Even now with a partner its about 30,000rmb. If you can market or sell there are alot of jobs. Engish schools are always looking for students. The German school is looking for students. You can advertise yourself on GOKM like many others have.

yankee00 (1632 posts) • 0

@Shoei, I don't think Dazzer was being douchy and made a direct accusation. It sounded more like a preventive thought to try to make other readers aware.

@Dazzer, "and the language used is that of a native speaker."

" While I'm no stranger to adversity, (...) but right now I'm just having trouble thinking about next career move"
"other's posts"

That doesn't look like how a native English speaker who teaches would use grammar.

dm-01 (9 posts) • 0

I posted this for the sole purpose of seeking advice on my next career move, turned out the very first thread I made on this site ended up with various members questioning my integrity, don't understand how come a sincere post searching for advice could be deemed as a scam for funding.

I couldn't help but thinking what might have happened to those who assume the WORST of people, maybe a bad day, victim of scam before, misunderstanding or whatever it was that led to such speculation.

Still, by reading replies by Shoei, Long-Dragon, I believe there are people who care, who are willing to give excellent advice for total strangers, and I wanna thank you again.

BTW, to anyone who's reading this, please be aware that I DO NOT need financial support of any kind at all.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

It has nothing to do with 'bad days' but experience of life be it from personal or others' experiences. When you are older, you will understand.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

who goes on to an internet forum for the first time with a bunch of strangers and reveals so many personal details of their life to a bunch of strangers and asks for help with a major life decision from a bunch of strangers?

don't you have a friend in real life who can help you out with private matters?

sorry, i'm not buying it.

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