
English language cinema

globalchris (15 posts) • 0

been in KM a few months now and kinda fancy watching a film on the big screen again. Are there any cinemas around where the films are not dubbed ? Or what is the general procedure here ?

mPRin (821 posts) • 0

You could try Yuantong International Cinema on Yuanxi lu. Many new releases, midnight showings etc. Check with them first to make sure they aren't dubbed, some are.

Silvio DaVinci (282 posts) • 0

There are a few:

For example Rainbow Cinema in New Asia Athletics Park, Guanduzhen district.
They play foreign movies in their native language and have Chinese subtitles.
They are about 3 times cheaper than downtown and good facilities.

Alternatively our bar (Napa Valley) has every Saturday a free English language movie night. (See the GoKunming events calendar). Free entry and free shuttle back to Chenggong for students and faculty :)

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

Almost all cinemas play at least once or twice foreign movies in their native language.
The Broadway at WangfuJing the, one in Golden Eagle Plaze, The IMAX they all play English ones at least once at prime time.
Check out their websites they post when they play flicks in English.

blobbles (958 posts) • 0

But also be sure to ask the people selling the tickets if English is spoken/subtitled, even if it is a western movie. Particularly animated movies are often voiced over in Chinese and sometimes normal western movies are too. But even then sometimes they will have English/Chinese subtitles.

If the person selling doesn't know, get them to call the attendant in the cinema who will be able to tell you. A few times I have been told "yes its in English" or "yes it has English subtitles" when neither are true... so if you think the person selling tickets is lying to you or is guessing, ask them to check!

OceanOcean (1193 posts) • 0

I don't think JianShe Lu Cinema has been mentioned yet. Just at the end of WenLin Jie. It also shows some films in English with Chinese subtitles.

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