
Where can I watch American Football in Kunming?

KatandRose (8 posts) • 0

Hello! We just moved to the area and are both avid football fans (Patriots and Greenbay) and can't imagine autumn without watching football at the bar. We were wondering if anyone knows of any local bars that show realtime or streaming games during the season. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Tim Verplancke (28 posts) • 0

Hi, yeah the Irish Pub shows all the football games.
We can also record them for you upfront if it's too early or at an inconvenient time. Pub open weekdays from 4pm to 2am and weekends from 10am to 2am.
See ya!

seahorse62 (141 posts) • 0

Tim, if you want to watch all 16 games each week, there is but one option. The NFL allows its NFL GamePass to be free in New Zealand, Holland, and Argentina. Everywhere else out side the USA, the GamePass is $200 or so.

The key is to get a VPN with an Argentinian, New Zealand, or Holland IP address. Connect with one of these IP address then access the nfl.com and go to gamepass. Also, if you have ever access www.nfl.com from China or another country, you will need to clear the cookies for that site. Otherwise, the NFL website will detect you aren't really logging in from one of these countries. If you do this, you can watch every game on demand. Have fun!

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