
Risk for rooted phones in China

mPRin (821 posts) • 0

I try to avoid all Chinese software as it always seems to screw with my laptop. I was thinking of rooting my phone however. Thanks for the heads up!

bluppfisk (398 posts) • 0

the iPhone comes with malware out of the box. After all, they're NSA backers and their software is closed-source. Little do you know what happens.

Ouyang (243 posts) • 0

uhm, I'm pretty sure Microsoft, Google, and Apple are all NSA backers. They're companies based in the US; they don't really have a choice no matter what they say publicly.

If you root your phone the first thing is to change the root password. Also, the phone can still be set to check programs for their appropriate signing, etc. If you turn that off it's your own fault(well, besides buying a phone in China preloaded with NSA approved goodness ;)

Xunelei...haha, anyone who trusts pirating software that's not open source and downloaded from a trusted source is well, a fool...

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