
language schools

The dawn (11 posts) • 0

I have noticed that some language schools in Kunming keep advertising their request about foreign teacher all year round, do they really failed to find suitable teacher for example "Summit Foreign Language School " never stop posting ....whats going on here

tommann (423 posts) • 0

In my observation, they want experienced, qualified, native English speakers, but they are not willing to pay them enough, or they misrepresent what the job involves. Thus, they cannot keep teachers.

Running a school is certainly a difficult task, and of course they want to maximize profit (which is the point of a business), and to help their students to succeed (which should be the point of a school).

But for the amount of work that teachers have to do, they are offering wages such as less than 100 RMB per hour, etc. They just do not seem to understand what it takes to attract permanent talent.

wtf?? (11 posts) • 0

tomman, even you might be right for most of the cases, this is not always true.
there are also ads (schools) seeking for professional teachers and offering more than 160 an hour. check carefully and you'll find them (not majority, I agree).
But I can also confirm The dawn's sentence saying : "do they really failed to find suitable teacher", Yes that is also a big issue.
Where are the qualified, certified teachers ? how many of them in Kunming ? among the native English comunity (UK, Usa, NZ, Canada, Australia ...), 10% ? less ? I'd be curious to know about that.

tommann (423 posts) • 0

wtf there are more qualified, certified, professional, experienced teachers in Kunming than you might imagine. I can name five off the top of my head.

wtf?? (11 posts) • 0

Dazzer: haha, very useful post to the discussion here! Btw, what's your point?

tomman, I believe you, I'm sure there are qualified teachers in Kunming. Am I wrong when I imagine they are not the majority ? A small minority ? While taking part of recruitment process for private schools in Kunming and seeing a good number of CV's, I can tell that the number of qualified, certified, professional, experienced teachers in Kunming was less than 10% out of all those I had the chance to meet. Ok, I did not see them all, clearly. But isn't that already a quite good overview ? Or maybe I might have been very unlucky to only get in touch with natives but not what I'd call a qualified, certified, professional, experienced teacher.
You can name about 5, ok but 5 out of how many ? How many so called teachers (Dazzer?) do you know are teaching without being "real" teachers ? That's what I'm interested in.

wtf?? (11 posts) • 0

Btw, I know quite well about the crappy situation in kmg.

Schools paying low, no quality control or even consideration about quality education, money oriented instead of education oriented, and so on.

Non-natives teaching English in a ... funny way, not to say in a bad way, natives being everything but teachers.(I mean regarding their degree, certification, name it as you want) and teaching English also in a funny way. (—->monkey show? probably not true for all of them).
I don't say that it is the case for everybody here, but one will have to recognize that this is not (absolutely not) an exception.
I'm not trying to belittle anyone or any category of people, just trying to get a better overview of the situation (facts).

Same with Chinese "teachers" applying to work as an English teacher (for Chinese) or Chinese teachers to teach foreigners. You could not imagine what kind of CV's you'd have the chance to see ... Anyone will apply, chemistry teacher, math teacher, music teacher [and you'll note that those at least are teachers lol], nurse, coming from any kind of area like economic, accounting, marketing, car selling, tour guide and so on ...

At one point you don't know if you should laugh of cry out of desperation!

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