
The purpose of the GK forum

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

jesus, you created an account just to attack me?
that's scary.

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

Ref: 'Anti.Magnifico'
If, as it appears, someone has set up an identity for the sole purpose of monitoring and opposing the views of another contributor, then surely that is not just scary. Doesn't it add up to online stalking and intimidation? And isn't that a criminal offence? Lots of question marks here because I have no knowledge of the law and it remains to be seen how far this individual is prepared to go. Even if it is not criminal, it is a new low for GK. If there were a Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down utility implemented on here, as many have suggested, I would like to think all decent contributors would show their disdain.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

FORUM is a location and or platform for sharing. Every community has it's fair share of trolls - online anonymous has exceedingly more.

When people share - especially personal opinions, there's almost always someone with a diametrically opposite opinion - and that's generally a good thing, as it allows us to see two diametrically opposite arguments on the same issue.

I believe the gokm user group is mature and ardent enough to self police the forums along with the now not so new owners and operators - especially when the FORUMS devolve into personal attacks.

Based on my observations of the gokm FORUMS, personal attacks typically occur when the author is either too lazy to argue logically or cannot argue logically and must resort to online attempts at bullying and name calling in an attempt to defend their obstinate position - or the target of trolling (eg @gaoxing) exposes his immaturity online (for the record, @gaoxing was a lonely young man looking for companionship - even if for a quick fling - I continue to wish him well as he travels the road of life).

I believe the moderators - while not perfect - continue to do an excellent job of ... well...moderating, while carefully treading the GFW (Great FireWall) balance. GOKM is an operating business and must generally respect Chinese law - in order to avoid being banned/blocked. We should respect that position and I continue to respect the owners/operators significantly more than that lying company named Google who allegedly left China because they would not bow to governmental pressure to reveal user information for potential criminal prosecution. They bent backwards so far for the NSA - that they're facing forwards again (very athletic is about the nicest thing I could say about that blatant hypocrisy).

So - in my personal opinion (aka IMHO - h=humble - but I'm not humble), the gokm FORUMS are great and continue to be a fantastic place to share information, opinions, trounce trolls, occasionally BE a troll, and generally distract me from what I should be doing (work).

Thanks and kudos to gokm team, the users, and most especially to the trolls for making this place lively and entertaining.

Anti.Magnifico (21 posts) • 0

Yes, this account was created to mock you, but only when you say laughable things. In a way you should be flattered, now you can have the attention that you craved. So please, keep feeding me and keep me amused, otherwise life becomese meanlingless and boring.

Anti.Magnifico (21 posts) • 0

To contribute means to add something of value and after reviewing said person's posts, one can hardly say he is a "contributor". The only purpose of all of this is to point out the hypocrosy of said poster whom thinks so highly of himself.

Confucious once said," A gentleman can never win an arguement with a low-life" therefore you need to fight fire with fire. However, abuse will never be employed my me, even I have standards.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

Who thinks highly of himself? It's just a username. Take it easy.

Let's turn things around, shall we? Do you feel so LOW about yourself that a silly username on an internet forum bothers you so much? Seriously, if my username bothers you that much, you're the one with the problem.

You already HAVE employed low-life tactics. You're using my name in your handle.

What laughable things have I said? Feel free to state your case and prove me wrong about something. You have 5 posts. You've stated 1 opinion about that army general. And I've given you my rebuttal.

Laotou hit the nail on the head here and he's referring to YOU, Anti.

"personal attacks typically occur when the author is either too lazy to argue logically or cannot argue logically and must resort to online attempts at bullying and name calling in an attempt to defend their obstinate position"

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

There are always 2 sides to every issue. Cause and Effect. Is this an attack or merely payback? Like I stated before - this forum serves 2 purposes for me; information and entertainment. I must admit that Magnifico loves to add fuel to the fire. Lets try to guess who AntiMagnifico is by his writing style.

Anti.Magnifico (21 posts) • 0

You mean this rebuttal?

"yes, but read 'A New Earth'.

warfare is a sign that the human race is mentally ill.

and i don't wish to engage in conversation with you any further because i think you're ignorant and hostile. the worst combination."

How is it a rebuttal to: "Please google or wiki the guy before you slam him otherwise you end up looking like a jackass."?

My original statement was a directive, not an argument. Please don't use words you don't understand.

From Wiki:
In reasoning and argument mapping, a counterargument (rebuttal) is an objection to an objection. A counterargument can be used to rebut an objection to a premise, a main contention or a lemma.

Please! Keep amusing me

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

It's a rebuttal because I don't worship 'war heroes' and therefore I could care less what the Wiki entry says about the guy.

Anti.Magnifico (21 posts) • 0

Your argument is not logical.

You called the guy pompus, "who has more wealth than you can ever dream of and never worked a day in his life " without knowing who he was and now you turn around like you knew that this guy risked his life for his country made significant contributions to the Middle East, and then you thow the truth out the window like it doens't matter. And you want to talk about logic!?

That's laughable.

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