
Air quality.

AlPage48 (1394 posts) • 0

Even Harbin is lower than Kunming today. Could some of those other cities be exporting their pollution to here?

I can't wait for the rainy season to arrive and wash the air clean.

blobbles (958 posts) • 0

I see we are higher than Beijing today, 162 vs 144 at 7:30am... I do wonder if doing exercise in this is wise....

yankee00 (1632 posts) • 0

When it's not a fire or factories accelerating production, the sky here usually turns like this when it's about to rain

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

I went running this morning and I felt fine. A little chilly compare to yesterday but that is expected when it's about to rain. In Kunming, I've notice that it gets cold before and after it rains. That's a little strange but I didn't feel the air was polluted.

blue. (170 posts) • 0

In China they don't use chemtrails, they use instead shoot, and is not visible to human eyes.

Anyway also in Dali area a not common sky by a few days, it looks strangely heavy.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0


What do you mean by "they use instead shoot"? Please explain. Thanks.

tallamerican (396 posts) • 0

I had held up very well physically for the past several months walking miles everyday and biking all over Kunming almost daily. Yesterday just walking to the bus i was exhausted and breathing was difficult for me. Glad i will be going home to visit the family in a few weeks were readings rarely reach 25 and the 1-2 days they might reach 50 every summer they issue warnings.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Seems to me I've gotten slightly more out of breath lately, though not seriously so. But I have to admit I've been lazy & have not been exercising, beyond walking.

blue. (170 posts) • 0

@ Liumingke, I have not any vpn at the moment, difficult to give you some clear link. If you have one try to google "aerial spraying".
So often, somewhere, weather is controlled pushing a button.
what was the name of that movie..? ...Trueman show right..i'd consider it not so far from reality...brrr

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