
Does China have any culture remaining??

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

Australian Aboriginal culture can claim to be the oldest continuous living culture on the planet.

Recent dating of the earliest known archaeological sites on the Australian continent - using thermo-luminescence and other modern dating techniques - have pushed back the date for Aboriginal presence in Australia to at least 40,000 years. Some of the evidence points to dates over 60,000 years old.

Silvio DaVinci (282 posts) • 0

The Dudeson's has pointed out one of the most important misconceptions in the world. Civilized and Culture are two completely different concepts which don't have to go hand in hand.
But Civilization and Civilized also don't have to be on par.

Romans (of what I heard) used to throw their poop over the walls in the Coliseum Theater because there were no toilets. (Sometimes hitting someone who was waiting in line below to enter the theater).
Yet the Roman Empire was considered one of the greatest civilizations in history. So would you consider throwing poop to be civilized?
I know monkeys do it and so do some French people. (Which left me absolutely flabbergasted and to this day makes me shudder thinking back of it :| (and no, it was not aimed at me hahaha).

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

If you want to see modern Chinese low culture look no further than the job ads for hospitality jobs on here. Racist, sexist, ageist, and based on body image. I even just seen a new one 'no big butt'. only young, skinny tall and beautiful whitey should apply. Next they will be advertising for a 12 inch pianist.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0


Aren't all cultures based on one image or another? Should fat, out of shape people be allowed to become cheerleaders or athletes?

How many non-White men are in position of power (CEOs, Congressmen, etc.) in Europe and the US as compared to their relative population?

How many non-Whites are convicted of crimes in proportion to their relative population?

Would this be indicative of low American/European Culture?

There are many other examples that can be cited but the point is moot.

yankee00 (1632 posts) • 0

@Dazzer, they are also looking for a band that can play classic cultural hits, such as "Hey fatty bum bum", "Baby got back" and "Honky tonk badonkadonk".

mike4g_air (788 posts) • 0

I'm looking for a list of physical things and behaviors we can identify with China as culture. Continuing culture. Something that will define China in the future.

This is the culture I'm asking about.

Religion aside please.

For Example.

Canada's culture:
Making maple syrup the old fashion way, still going on...
Beaver pelts...it's historic culture but we don't practice hunting and selling of beaver pelts anymore, ok very little.
Saying "Eh"!!

Mosquitoes and black flies!!

USA's culture:
Rock and Roll
Harley Davidson .


Haute cuisine

Beer and Bratwurst sausage..

China's continuing culture:
Chop sticks

Ma Jiong game
Kite flying
Red lanterns
Moon cakes
Dragon boats
T C Medicine..........

on and on.........

Thanks Tonyaod

"If by culture the OP is referring to traditional Chinese culture then one would have to define what is traditional culture. For civilizations that have existed as long as China has, it would be impossible for cultures and traditions to remain unchanged throughout"

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

Bai jiu
Chinese food (even if noone can agree what that is, a bit like Fr cuisine)
Green tea
Chairman Mao and his party
Opium wars
the three tees
cultural rev
love for all things japanese

GeogramattGeogramatt (203 posts) • 0

What's the point of this thread? It seems like inflammatory bait to me.

"Culture" is one of the broadest concepts in existence. It includes food, language, religion, dress, music, art, belief, social mores. There's high culture and low culture, ancient culture and modern culture, and everything in between.

Culture evolves and culture wanes, but it is always there in some form.

If the OP is looking for a serious discussion, I suggest narrowing down the question to whatever particular facet or manifestation of culture he is interested in understanding.

For example, "is there any Peking Opera remaining in China today?" is a much more answerable question

mike4g_air (788 posts) • 0

I agree that using the word culture is way too vague.
I should have stuck to family/social behavior and physical items which will last into the future.

"What's the point of this thread?"

I'm gathering a list which identifies China.

Physical items for visual.

Behaviors for identifying people..


So far we dont have a lot of behaviors.

Tomb sweeping day.
Traditional wedding.
Martial arts..Kung Fu.

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