
Restaurant Recommendations?

jas903 (7 posts) • 0

Hey I want to take my girlfriend out to a nice restaurant (something on the fancy side). Does anyone have any recommendations?

sean1sean1 (82 posts) • 0

Yes! There's one I went to a few days ago with some clients that was amazing. It is a high quality Muslim (回族) place that is located up the hill from the old oxygen factory (氧气厂) near Huang tu po (黄土坡)on jindianshan road (金鼎山路), Just walk up the hill and about 80 meters up on the left you will see a large open alley way with a few eateries inside. Walk in and the third establishment on the left is a large looking place that has the characters 马克 at the end of the name. The inside is a 3 floor beautifully decorated dining room with thousands of antiques that are up to 100 years old. You can spend about 30 minutes walking around looking, and then go to eat. Really good experience and the food is really original and good too.

jas903 (7 posts) • 0

Wow thanks you guys a lot. Sorry for the late reply. I'll do some research on these and let you know what I find.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

Blue Bird Restaurant (there're two in Green Lake - one is across from the Grand Park hotel). Pricey - but artsy interior - great place for a romantic date.

Natsymir (101 posts) • 0

Makye Ame, close to 西园路口 (tibetan fine dining + music).

CJF Mark close to The Bridge at the 金鼎园 bus stop (muslim fusion food).

These are the clear winners in my book if it comes down to food + mood; most other places with good food worth its price (this last part is important, the even more expensive restaurants like Shiping Huiguan just aren't worth it) in Kunming doesn't have a very romantic atmosphere (or any atmosphere at all except for kafkaesque horror), but these two do.

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