
Scum landlords of Dali.

Horse (6 posts) • 0

Thanks for the responses and advise. Sorry to hear so many similar stories. It's not a nice feeling.
Good to get it aired, though. Hopefully it might help some other people.
No worries abcdefg. It's difficult writing on forums. No facial expressions or verbal clues.

Yes, 'scum' is a harsh word. My appologies if anyone found it offensive. What else do you call a person who rents their place with the express purpose of letting the tenant renovate for free and when finished kicks them out. To me 'scum' is more than appropriate. I grew up in a place and time where these sorts of situations were not dealt with talk. So, I think I'm being quite reserved.
I trust until I find I can not trust anymore. We each contribute to the world we live in.
To me ethnicity has no bearing. No matter what race I am or where I'm living I have a right to complain about being cheated.

Not sure if going to the police is worthwhile, but will think about it. Thanks. I know a good lawyer in Kunming, hopefully a letter from her will sort this out.
Ha ha, nice one. I'll have to write a 'love contract' with my girlfriend. If she stops loving me I can take her to court.
Thanks everyone. I'll let you know what transpires.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

Maybe: Scam Landlord would be a less offensive title thread? Ha..ha.

abcdabcd (428 posts) • 0

i'm glad that i'm not the only one who's immature on this forum.

Landlord with an inclination to forgo morals
The Lords of the Scums

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

Ha.ha. The lists go on and on and on and on...

Anonymous Coward (329 posts) • 0

The rent situation in China is a big fat load of bollocks if you ask me. If you want to rent a "finely decorated" flat (substandard) you are going to pay out the bloody wazoo. Finely decorated flats are rare too. Landlords never do a good job fixing up a place they don't live in. Typically if a landlord is going to rent out his apartment, he's going to cut some serious corners. Toxic paint, plastic sheet flooring, no appliances (if they are included they are fucking broken shit), ancient pressboard furniture...don't even get me started on the kitchen/washroom. In short, the only way to pay reasonable rent in China (and live like a human being) is to fix the place up a little and buy your own furniture. The place I currently rent had almost nothing (unpainted walls and no floor). Like Horse, I've had to renovate...though I made sure just about everything can be undone. When I move I'm taking the floor with me. I changed the lock so mister slum landlord can't reneg on the contract and steal my shit while I'm out.

On the other hand four years ago the rent (and property prices) in Dali were insanely low. If you plan to stay in China long term buying a place would probably be in your best interest. Four years ago would have been a better idea. Based on my observations the prices between present and 2008 have tripled. According to the mild climate, clean environment and low urbanization rate, I'm not confident prices will go down...

abcdabcd (428 posts) • 0

yes, everything you say may be true, but kunming is a great hub to SE asia. stop whining. taking the floor! HA HA!

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